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Oh, because I've been meaning to get this up for a few days:


Really not all that happy with it at the moment. The concept of the colors seemed fine, but a combination of things made me very frustrated by it. The orange seems really cartoony the way it is for one thing...another that doesn't help is that my cat caused me to screw up retouching it. And it just doesn't seem to be working overall. Rethinking this whole 'let's make Retribution look scary' thing, and leaning toward doing the armor in metallics...

Edited by edonil
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Um. I kinda want to try the metallics, I think I'd go less crazy in the long run. Simpler color scheme is better for armies. That, and I'm pretty good at making metals look interesting when I drybrush them. Probably gonna go for a warm color, like gold.

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Makes sense. Is ok to muck about with insanely fiddly stuff on small groups, but big armies are a totally different ball game

---------- Post added at 03:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 AM ----------

I blame google. They picked it by providing better pictures of those than of black ones!

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How's your painting coming along, Web?

---------- Post added at 10:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 PM ----------

I haven't done a lot with it in a long time. Might be interesting to do a model in black and white, just to get the technique back.

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Amen you did! lol, honestly, it's a good thing. I've done lots of colors since then that were a lot of fun.

I found a model with pictures that has two different metallics I'm debating...should I try the blade of the sword, or the metal on the backpack/shoulder spike?



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... you're not talking about the mottled blue thing are you? Because I really like that. the backpack and sword are just... eh...they're ok... nothing terribly exciting though.

---------- Post added at 10:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ----------

If I had to pic one of the metallics I'd say the backpack coloring is more interesting. more layering to it. the sword just looks like flat gold and is boring to look at.

---------- Post added at 10:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:04 PM ----------

Heh, i'm glad you don't actually have any real hard feelings over my pushing your painting growth. I knew it would be good for you. probably said something to that effect at the time. :3

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