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Off Topic Playground

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For fleshing out settings, I've just been asking questions to answer. Here's the list so far:

What kind of alien species are there? Focus on cultures first.

Which species are the leaders in development?

What are the laws on AIs?

How much control do corporations have?

Are there older species where people are discovering new technology?

Is the best technology ancient?

What's the intergalactic community like? Do they get along, or is it more of a 'we can't kill everyone, so someone needs to cooperate' idea?

What aliens resent humanity, and why?

What's earth like at this time? Is it all corporation run, or just different parts?

Are planets basically cities? How much of the news is censored from species to species?

Is there one defining tech for interstellar travel, or does each species have its own method?

How accessible is stuff from the ancient past?

What aliens like humanity and why?

Does humanity have a xenophobic element, or is it an underground only?

What wars are actively going on, and is humanity involved?

Basically, it's a roundabout way to tackle the tropes I want to use/don't want to use.

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Yeah. I'd love to be able to make a generic list of questions, but unfortunately that doesn't work, lol. Each genre is too different. Still, overall, it's quite handy.

---------- Post added at 09:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:43 PM ----------

And it looks like another quiet night at work... crap. -_-

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make it per race,... the green skinned race's ancient tech is better,.. the pink skin race's modern tech is better,.. etc,....

---------- Post added at 07:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:58 PM ----------

it would add more depth to the story as different races would develop in different ways.

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Heh, actually, I was just working on those questions. Here's the answers I've got up for those:

Are there older species where people are discovering new technology?

The younger races are always searching for older technology to catch up to their elders. Humanity in particular has been extremely aggressive about this, seeking to get around prohibitive licenses and patents recognized by the interstellar community. Any technology that a race can sidestep engineer through this method is legally allowed to avoid the fees for patents and copyright.

Is the best technology ancient?

No. While all races will continue to look for older technology for inspiration, technology has still progressed on. There are races similar to the Vorlons and the Shadows who are above and beyond the younger species, but they maintain that edge through isolation and further development of their own. The younger races simply don't have anything worthwhile to offer in trade, so they don't see any particular need. Additionally, some of the younger races, because they haven't been able to get advanced tech, have gone in directions of their own. So, while some races have things like organic technology, others see it as an unnecessary expense/effort because of their own tech that can match it.

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next thing you know,.. I'll be invading your dreams,... Muhahahaha!!!

---------- Post added at 08:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 PM ----------

It's all part of my evil master plan to slowly creep into the subconscious of every human being,.. one person at a time,...

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