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Does that leave me with American style??? let the rest of you yahoo's fight it out, and when only one of you is left, and already tired,.. then I kill the last man standing and take the prize for myself,..

Either that,... or randomly bomb a country full of brown people,....

I forget which,...

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Where'd you find your compressor? Amazon, or somewhere else? If you're up for recommending it, it's good enough for me. Amazingly hard to find specific recommendations on compressors...lots of articles on 'this is what you're looking for', but nothing about which ones within each setup.

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Sadly i and my smart phone will not be there. I'll have to rely on you guys to be coherent enough to hit record for me.

My weekend was very nice thank you. Got to go to the local art museum for the first time in the 9 years and one art degree since I've lived here. (Gallery visits were required for credit to graduate, I live 20 minutes from one of the biggest galleries in the state, and I'd never been.) also my dad has commissioned a much larger version of the card front I posted the other night.

Not a bad couple of days. How are you tonight?

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