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It's my sarcastic and ever-cynical name for Christmas. We figure we don't do anything with the religious aspect of Christmas, but we still exchange gifts and spend time with family, so somehow that equated to how the Japanese (non-Christians) treat it, thus a fake bad transliteration to Happy Fun Gift Exchange Day.

It's not meant to ridicule anyone who actually observes Christmas as a religious holiday, mind you- more a snide peanut gallery commentary on the commercialism of it.

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The biggest reason I don't like Xmas is personal- a lot of bad things have happened to me around this time of year. I have others but I'll refrain lest this turn into a big rant. OK, one little one that's easy to pick on- the last few "War on Christmas" schmucks. Get over it- it's not all about you.

The commercialism has two good aspects- economic stimulation, and the twisted unity that results from everyone having to deal with how obnoxious the commercialization can be.

The good things about this season? People that are normally jerks are less jerky (well, some of them) and there are more sugary treats to be had.

Other than that, eh, bring on the new year.

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*peers around corner warily*

Is it safe? I mean, apart from the puppets, showgirls and such.

Thought I'd drop by and see what was kicking, I've had a rather tense hour splitting my demon sculpt into two halves, it nearly went very very wrong but I've got it done. And last night Shine and me tried out minionfaux, two onryo against two belles and a canine remains. One game to each of us and it was pretty lighthearted silliness (and wierdly, my deck fed me a crow every time i wanted one for the maul trigger. Wierd.

So next time we might try the escalation side of it, but the basic concept rules we'd worked out went really well and we had four schemes and half a dozen strategies you could feasibly achieve with such a tiny model count. 10ss and one scheme for week one was spot on I reckon.

Some quality moments, like me leaving a lone onryo to face several lures and a lot of teeth and nails. And ole shiny having breakthrough and me having stake a claim, and managing to nail his last belle (who was scoring his VP for him) with a long range malevolence shot, from close to my claim into my own deployment, to deny him his points *grin*

So yeah, I'll probably write up the strat and scheme bits for it this week/weekend and them minionfaux is sorted and ready for silly league night type shenanigans. If we get more than just the two of us...

How's everyone else?

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I'm doing well, I managed to snag an original Pandora (Avatar) model, and put her on a 30mm base...

Looked at some of the armatures available to me for the sculptor's challenge..

Question: if I get "wings" for the model (like Hasslefree has some) can I use those? Or would I have to sculpt the wings on to the model?

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I hesitate to venture an opinion since I'm not the one in charge, but I doubt Webmonkey would object. I think he said its a case of sculpt what you can but if you can't get your head round something (wings being a bit of a mare to do), use parts. He'll probably chime in and clear that up tho.

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