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Amazingly it's not called 40k because of that. By the way, after the last batch of Privateers repackages, 40k is now cheaper to play than Warmachine, even after the GW price increases! Who the heck pays nearly £60 for 10 Bane Thralls these days?!

Still, at least the buy in cost for WM isn't as bad as Smog 1888. I was interested in that game until I saw how much it cost before you can even play the darn thing :(

Back to the original point though, in case people honestly don't know, it's called 40k as it's the same thing as 40,000 but faster the type/write. It might have been Andy "Ratman" Chambers that first coined the term 40k, but it was so long ago my memory might be off on that one.

Edited by LonelyPath
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I'm holding off on buying the book for a while. I'll borrow from someone else, but between a leadership seminar I'm going to, the webstore Gencon sale, second semester of school coming up, and the fact that I don't own a completed army, paying $75 for a rulebook isn't exactly the smartest move I could make...

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I own plenty of armies so it's something I would get anyway. However, if we don't like the new edition we'll just stick to 5th, or try a different rules set like we did with WFB. Personally it's the codices I'm not happy about. Switching them to hard back and jumping up the prices was a terrible move. I mean £27.50 for a codex? OUCH!

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Just bought some more bits for my soon to be started World Eaters army... spent way too much on bitz... but hope the end result will be worth it. Starting off with:

Kharn (Conversion)

14x Berzerkers

10x Berzerkers + Rhino

Thats enought to have some small games as my friend only has a max of about 1000 points of Necrons.. bet they will get on better than my poor Death Korps... at small games it means I have to leave the big guns out and lets just say it was a tough fight and I lost...

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In smaller games the Death Korps can get on quite fine, it's anything over 1000 points that they start to struggle to to lack of any real heavy duty firepower :(

I'm not buying any 40k models in the immediate future though, to many things I'll likely want for Malifaux. Already wanting the Hamelin, Chompy and Colette avatars and who knows what Wyrd will release for Gencon!

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In smaller games the Death Korps can get on quite fine, it's anything over 1000 points that they start to struggle to to lack of any real heavy duty firepower :(

Have you been drinking?! *grin* You are saying the Death Korps are better in games UNDER 1000 points?!! they cannot take ANY real firepower at under 1000... best you'll get is if you go all Engineers and do a Hades Drill Spam list but thats just being unfair to your opponent IMO since Hades drills are only 50points and you can have one PER engineer squad..... In the game I played I fielded ONE hades drill with 2x 10 man Engineer squads, Commissar General as HQ and a 5man Grenadier squad in Centaur and a 10man Grenadier Squad. The dice rolls needed were totally one sided also. If however we played bigger than 1000 I could have fielded various pattern Russ tanks, a Malcador defender, Quad Launchers, heavy weapon teams, Death Riders... the list goes on....

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Heheh, DKoK seem to kick my arse in smaller games, but in larger ones I table them, lol.

Chocobo, you mean they've been busy down there too?! Dammit, I hope no one else has seen it.

~Sticks head down trap door and recoils~

My Gods, that's just... just.... hideously cute! Hatchet will not be happy!

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Heheh, DKoK seem to kick my arse in smaller games, but in larger ones I table them, lol.

Chocobo, you mean they've been busy down there too?! Dammit, I hope no one else has seen it.

~Sticks head down trap door and recoils~

My Gods, that's just... just.... hideously cute! Hatchet will not be happy!

But it's so fluffy, I'm going to die

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On an off note, I'm neck deep in my first college research paper, and it's just weird. I've never before wanted to do nothing more than rant about part of my paper, and yet, that's where I am...the paper itself is fine, one of the topics I have to research just makes me seethe with frustration at the underhandness implicit in it.

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Woo! Almost done with this paper...now on to a personal application piece and I'm on page five of no more than seven. Hopefully I don't get dinged for something stupid... -_- But I'm expecting I will. More than likely not enough non-internet sources.

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I'm not bad. Have something that feels like a migraine. >.< Not happy about that. Still, almost done with my paper, and that's the big huge assignment for a while. After that, just a few more minor things and the classes are done. Think I might (might) have some ideas on things to do with my novel...

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~Offers Steam a pint of Wychwood's finest~

There ya go mate, much better in the morning (or afternoon or night) than that ponsy wine nonsense ;)

~Pours more pints off for everyone~

Let the weekend commence! (Yes, I do know it's Monday, but it feels like Friday to me, lol!).

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*crawls out from under a pile of books and games* Did somebody say Wychwood?

Mornin' all. (Well, morning here anyways.) Still finishing espresso round 1, but between the news playing on my tablet plus the forums and comics in front of me, I'm almost fully booted up and ready to bash my head into the keyboard until code falls out.

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*crawls out from under a pile of books and games* Did somebody say Wychwood?

Mornin' all. (Well, morning here anyways.) Still finishing espresso round 1, but between the news playing on my tablet plus the forums and comics in front of me, I'm almost fully booted up and ready to bash my head into the keyboard until code falls out.

That last sentence is why I'm a theology major instead of a computer major. Well, along with a couple other things.

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