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I have way too many systems;

...Kings of War


Pulp City

I still waffle on KoW, but now that I have enough Elves and Undead for tiny skirmishes, I've considered getting a full army of either. A local guy at our store says that he's waiting for the new rulebook- says cavalry is too powerful and some of the war machines are almost worthless. What are your thoughts on that?

Also wouldn't mind your perspective on Pulp City and Eden.

I'm thinking that I'll make it moderately difficult to cure and remove, and that it can't be done without research and access to the right components, but that treatments can be done to slow the growth of the disease.

Heh, Zombrex.

I may not drive to Atlanta until tomorrow morning. So tired...

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Ah, the annual GW price hike... nice to see that again...

Okay, I'll switch off the sarcasm mode. Some of the increases are not to bad (the odd 50p here and there), but £20 more for some things and £30 more for the Imperial Section?! WTH?!!!!! Also, who the heck is going to pay £35 for a tank the size of a Rhino? Pfft... no wonder 40k is rapidly losing it's lead on most sold game line (then again, not impressed with Privateers' price hikes either over here in the UK (£58 rrp for 10 Bane Thralls when it used to be about £45 for a box of 6 and 2 clams).

Closing Warhammer Historical is something they've been trying to do for years, but with Priestley finally having enough and leaving, they finally pushed the door completely shut, shame really as Legends of the High Seas, Warmaster Ancients and other games like that were brilliant. In fact, with the current state of WFB myself and my Friday group now use modified Warmaster Ancients rules to play the game ;)

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Ah, the annual GW price hike... nice to see that again...

Okay, I'll switch off the sarcasm mode. Some of the increases are not to bad (the odd 50p here and there), but £20 more for some things and £30 more for the Imperial Section?! WTH?!!!!! Also, who the heck is going to pay £35 for a tank the size of a Rhino? Pfft... no wonder 40k is rapidly losing it's lead on most sold game line (then again, not impressed with Privateers' price hikes either over here in the UK (£58 rrp for 10 Bane Thralls when it used to be about £45 for a box of 6 and 2 clams).

Closing Warhammer Historical is something they've been trying to do for years, but with Priestley finally having enough and leaving, they finally pushed the door completely shut, shame really as Legends of the High Seas, Warmaster Ancients and other games like that were brilliant. In fact, with the current state of WFB myself and my Friday group now use modified Warmaster Ancients rules to play the game ;)

This has to be a joke:


old price £7.20 new price £12.00


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Yes. We know. :P None of you apparently paid any attention when I started this a couple days ago, lol.

I could have mentioned it nearly 2 weeks ago, but GW had not announced it then and I could have cost a few people their jobs as they know who would've told me (silly people mailing me from their work e-mails!). However, some of the price increases have gone down and some have vanished completely. The WFB hardback nearly went up to £60!!!!

Ye Gods... 6.45am Sunday morning and still awake... something very wrong here...

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* hole appears in the center of the floor , hundreds of micro sized FoeRenders pour into the room all stacking onto one another til they blend together into one solid man sized Foerender . * " whats up everyone " " pulls up a chair sits and kicks off his shoes "

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* hole appears in the center of the floor , hundreds of micro sized FoeRenders pour into the room all stacking onto one another til they blend together into one solid man sized Foerender . * " whats up everyone " " pulls up a chair sits and kicks off his shoes "

TINY people, I hate tiny peonple

*starts squashing them an oversized rolling pin*

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