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---------- Post added at 08:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:38 AM ----------

Honestly, I'm reading ChosenOne's newest story, Lost in the Dark. Holy crap, this is a fun trip. A few spots where I would've done things differently, but I'm definitely enjoying myself. Most importantly, it's adding to my desire to put my Star Wars players through a horror adventure...

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Eh, everyone's got their personal preferences for stuff. I have to say, for me, the last Zelda games I enjoyed were the Oracle games...any of the other stuff, the story just hasn't grabbed my attention. I wanted to like Twilight Princess, I really did, but eh.

If you haven't read Chosen's Lost in the Dark, you should. Right now. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200, go read it. It was awesome!

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*waggles finger admonishingly*

Tut tut.....Fell will be displeased. One thing she hates more than ressers is a deserter! ;)

Is that someone who is really into desserts?

Morning All.. well, afternoon. Just woke up and need to shower... I hum.... I hum bad... *Lifts his arms and wafts the smell around the thread* See! Actually, after a while it becomes quiet pleasant! :)

*See's Abs* Hey Abs hows it going? :) *Wearing his innocent smile*

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I'm thinking bleach as well......that perfumed stuff...lavender or rose..

---------- Post added at 02:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:24 PM ----------

And really...how does this thanks thing work? I have been thanked twice....yet still only show a 1 in my total lol!

The world is nuts!

The THANKS bit shows how many times YOU have said thanks... the bit below is how many people have thanked you ;)

Simple really, for a handsome all-knowing Gremlin that is! :)

---------- Post added at 02:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:40 PM ----------

Added some thanks for the Egg to test this theory <ahttp://themostexcellentandawesomeforumever-wyrd.com/community/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png' alt=';)'>

---------- Post added at 02:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 PM ----------

Yep, now showing 3 thanks for you :)

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Just had a brief gander down my possible malifaux sales list....frak, thats a lot of models!

Now I need to actually get them out of the loft and check that I do actually still have them!

I will post the list and my 'wants' in here first to give you guys first dibs, though Fell, Regnak and Munkey have already jumped the gun and pumped me for info lol!

@Fell, thanked you for washing regnak...and just so you don't feel left out!

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that makes sense for once!

So, how you doing? I notice Edonil has been kicking your butt on space marine!

Huh? You heard wrong... I've been carrying him the whole time... I've been saving him over and over and because of this I'm getting killed alot more... but thats what you get for being a team player.. there no 'I' in team! :) Ed might have got confused..

You need to get this game Abs... the multi player is so great..

---------- Post added at 02:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 PM ----------

*shakes head at Abs and Reg as they thank each other, grabs the bucket sitting beside her and tosses it over Reg, who realizes, as the water washes over him, that it is in fact soapy water and smells like Per-Foom*

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! What have you done??! I now smell like Blossom the piglet! :(

*rolls around in mud*

*jogs on the spot*

*Covers himself in ale* <--- try and restrain yourself Fell, I know that paints a pretty picture! :)

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Well, i guess you will, seeing as in reality my wants consists only of cash!!

---------- Post added at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:55 PM ----------

Regnak, you're weird.

Fun, but weird.

no, hang on..just weird.

Well hurry up so I can give you some. :D

---------- Post added at 03:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:02 PM ----------

Well he is after some new wheels, Wires, pipes and I think the hamster thats running him could do with retirement! :)

We should upgrade him to piglet power.

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