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Tempted to quit the tabletop hobby lately. I don't feel like I'm getting any better at Malifaux or Firestorm- just grinding away with nothing to show except time passing. I have no need to be the best...around (no one's ever gonna keep me down). I'd be happy with "not an easy win" at this point.

Maybe I should stick to abstract games like Alhambra, Blokus or Carcassonne. I seem to do better with those. Problem is, the abstract part makes them less interesting for more than occasional play.

Where's the headbang smiley when I need it?

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Tempted to quit the tabletop hobby lately. I don't feel like I'm getting any better at Malifaux or Firestorm- just grinding away with nothing to show except time passing. I have no need to be the best...around (no one's ever gonna keep me down). I'd be happy with "not an easy win" at this point.

Maybe I should stick to abstract games like Alhambra, Blokus or Carcassonne. I seem to do better with those. Problem is, the abstract part makes them less interesting for more than occasional play.

Where's the headbang smiley when I need it?

New person

*starts poking dustcrusher*

I don't think the headbanger smiley is around any more. I also lose at a Malifaux, but I still enjoy it, although i'm in for the painting

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I don't seem to be learning anything from my losses- that's the frustrating part.

I can live with being a worse player than everyone else, but if I can't get any better than when I started, playing feels like an exercise in futility.

And regardless of all that, I have no motivation to paint. I have a great concept for my Rasputina crew that will be hilarious if I can pull it off, but I'd just rather load up Skyrim lately. I think I'm just tired of all of the prep work.

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I don't seem to be learning anything from my losses- that's the frustrating part.

I can live with being a worse player than everyone else, but if I can't get any better than when I started, playing feels like an exercise in futility.

And regardless of all that, I have no motivation to paint. I have a great concept for my Rasputina crew that will be hilarious if I can pull it off, but I'd just rather load up Skyrim lately. I think I'm just tired of all of the prep work.

This sounds like me a while ago. I found that my biggest hitch was my focus: I was too busy trying to kill something that wouldn't freaking die that I forgot to collect my points. I just had to keep my scheme and strategy in mind, and when I started dying too much or getting frustrated with it I needed to take a step back and figure out what I was really going for :)

Learning from your losses is a good thing to do... But you can't dwell to long. And approaching a new game with a positive mindset helps your mind stay clear, even when you're losing :)

So... Which crews are you running? How many points are you running? And where do you think you're getting stuck?

---------- Post added at 05:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:45 PM ----------

Hey Reg! What's going on??? Do you work overnights??

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Usually Nicodem or Rasputina, though I have the Nightmare Justice set, Seamus (only two of the Belles are ready), and recently got Leveticus (not even assembled). We're slowly getting things going, so most games are at 25-30 stones depending on how much time we have.

My usual pool of opponents:

- One who plays Colette and Kaeris

- One who started with Hamelin

- One who plays the Dreamer and is working on a Kirai crew.

- One guy who plays all three Book 1 Guild masters. He hasn't been around lately.

The Dreamer player is more of a modeler, so we're probably around the same level. The Colette player is pretty good, the Hamelin player will be hated once he's got a few more games under his belt, and the Guild player is arguably the cagiest of the bunch.

EDIT: accidentally hit Tab-Enter. The Guild player's abilities help offset any disadvantage (real or perceived) with using Book 1 Guild masters. I'd argue he's the best player, the Colette and Hamelin players are pretty much dead even, and then I am slightly better than the Dreamer player (but she's only played twice). I also realize that my choice in masters may not be helping.

Edited by Dustcrusher
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There is one thing I feel like I am doing right with Nico- I am focusing on Rigor Mortis, Bolster Undead, and Decay unless a good summon opportunity presents itself, or in a pinch. I am starting to think I should take Mortimer, however- mainly for Fresh Meat and the option for Exhume if I am desperate.

I have the 'Tina starter, Essence of Power (I use the Purifying Flame model- I like it better), a Silent One, and Snow Storm (going to magnetize so Snow can be a second Silent One). I also have a Miss Demeanor.

I'm thinking at 30 I'd use Essence, 2 Gamin, a Silent One, and Snow Storm for movement strats and perhaps Essence, 3 Gamin, Silent One, and Convict Gunslinger when movement isn't absolutely critical.

I think the Blessed is a no-brainer when it comes out, and I'm considering a Soulstone Miner, a Gunsmith, maybe a Librarian, and Arcane Effigy when it's released.

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Have you tried running a more aggressive Master, like Lilith or Lady J? The Masters you've been talking about are, for the most part, more defensive/slower/attrition based. If your personality doesn't click with that kind of a play style, you'll have a rough time to get it to work. For me, I love Rasputina...but I've had so much trouble with her because it's hard to run her aggressively. (Although I'm hoping Avatar Rasputina helps with that) On the other hand, my first few times that I ran Kirai, it was like night and day. All of a sudden, it clicked.

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Looking forward to my days off.. this time its going to be Hobby time first and Space Marine online second... Gonna paint up the limited Forge world Ork Pilot from 2007, assemble/paint some Space Wolves and if it turns up in time paint my new Counts as Master... can't decide what master to have her count as.... hmmmm... *Thinks* OUCH!

3hours to go before the commute... and then 1 more night....

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Its freezing in North Wales too....but thats nothing new....at least its not raining!

So, I was lying in bed last night when my new project hit me! I have been pondering a second small force for Warhammer recently (my main one being 10,000pts of dwarfs). I want to start at least 1500pts. I have been toying with Ogres, Vampire counts..but inspiration hit me....I am going to do a Savage Orc warband!

Love the new models, the idea behind crazed feral orcs and the modelling opportunities are endless.

Already got a few ideas...savage orc bosses, shamans, boar boyz, boyz and biguns. Convert a couple of boar chariots to have savage orc riders..and a giant, complete with savage orc in a cage hanging off it, painting warpaint onto the giants skin as it walks!

Call me mad, but i am soooo keen to start this project right now...

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Morning all.

Freezing here too.

Do savage orks still get their unmodified save from war paint? I only ever had a single unit of them but they did some lovely work mashing people

To be honest, I have no clue at the moment (army book on order) but really, this force won't be about competitiveness, more fun! But from what i have been reading on other forums they are the better options in an orc army...so should be reasonably mashy!!

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I agree wholeheartedly..i never go into a game to win at all costs..yes, i will be competitive (well, as much as the list allows) to be fair on my opponenet, but fun is the main thing when i play, winning is secondary!

---------- Post added at 11:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 AM ----------

oh, and as apoint of interest...have we lost the trading forum on here? I can't find it anywhere..may just be me being blind!

And if we have lost it, does anyone know if it will be back? Just I was considering another clearout soon, possibly the end of the month as I need to streamline once more!

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