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lol!!! okay *too my knowledge* i have

6 pairs of red shoes, 4 over 4 inches 2 flats

27 pairs of boots (9 ankle boots, 15knee high and 3 thigh highs) ( i love my boots) 20 over 2inches and 7 flats

18 pairs of high heels (over 4 inches) (mainly black but a few wacky colours, one pair have robots on the soles!!)

21 pairs of flats

12 sandals

aaaand my ballet shoes. :)

ohh and do slippers count???

That is a lot of shoes....

Good luck packing all of those lol.

And an Asteroid...what now?

I must have missed all that....

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About 40 minutes ago an asteroid passed between the moon and the earth...

it will be back in 30 years I think they said...

hmmm...yup, missed all that...I'd have been blissfully ignorant of the end of the world lol!

Ah well, so its going to try again in 30 years....


hey y'all

*mopes, looks at lemon zinger tea*

aww..it won't be that bad Fell....maybe it will give you the zwoosh you need for the day!

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spiders? hmmm.... construct, resser or actual real spiders!

if its resser, stand back Princess I'm going in.....

*readies guns*

*looks at Abs with an eyebrow raised*

Erm, remember who your talking too?? the princess of the neverborn. I'm sure I can manage.... AAAAAAAAAAARGGGGHHH A REAL SPIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

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ooo my horoscope:

Another person's privilaege reminds you of what you don't have--or perhaps alerts you to this for the first time. Rest assured, there are benefits to being without this perk, and you can probably imagine what they are.


whereas mine simply said:

Don't stand so close to the knobbly tree at lunchtime.. And pack an extra sweater.

Whats that all about?

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