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lol sorry hun, ive already spent it... on scuba gear... you dont wanna KNOW whats going on under here...

You can get scuba gear for £4.90!!?

I always like finding "random" money. When I was in high school I used to leave a dollar in my winter coat on purpose, so I'd find it when I put it on for the first time. And get excited because I forgot about it :)

lol...the most i've found in an old wallet is £10....still a nice find though.

I have found a wallet in the street with £400 in cash in it..but being the good citizen i am i took it to the police station! I was sixteen at the time...got a £10 reward!

Where are you moving to this time?

Out of the Quarantine zone and into Downtown Malifaux?

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Ha! I'm slowly but surely catching up with Path!

And Abs, glad you were able to catch up! However, I'm going to have to change that last scene...Elril pointed out to me that Abner had no good reason not to grab the book, so I need to modify that. What'd you think of the death of the major character? (not mentioning who it is in case of spoilers...)

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No question....Lady Justice obviously!


Not under the bed too! Who knows what lurks there, in a Neverborn princess' bedroom!


I'll get Pandora then ;)

If you find lots of money..its mine.

No reason why, just calling dibs on it before anyone else does!

Dam i go there too late

lol sorry hun, ive already spent it... on scuba gear... you dont wanna KNOW whats going on under here...

Oi that's my teddy bear

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HAHAHHA! *picks up regnak giggling and puts him on the throne, tucks him in and gives him lots of water to drink*

Thanks! :D

Mouth feels like someone poured sand in there... that or something crawled in and died! :(

Man my breath would make a cowpat get up and run away! :D Who wants a cuddle?! :D

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@ fell: awhh hun thats adorable!!! :D

@ Munky: to Newport. :)

@ Abs: lol yeh and you freak i would have kept it... like the evil person i am :D

yay, Princess is becoming welsh!!

One of us!!

Ha! I'm slowly but surely catching up with Path!

And Abs, glad you were able to catch up! However, I'm going to have to change that last scene...Elril pointed out to me that Abner had no good reason not to grab the book, so I need to modify that. What'd you think of the death of the major character? (not mentioning who it is in case of spoilers...)

Well, i never thought it would be that one....and didn't see it coming. But i'm all for killing off major characters if it suits the story, and i think this one did...makes a difference from just 'redshirts' getting offed!

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well, what qualities will you bring to our fair country? I mean, the princess is royalty so acceptance is a given! ;)

*packs his bags and is off to live with ABs* :D

Just so you know its upto you to pay all the bills and do the cleaning. This Gremlin likes to have his foot rubs at 16:00 each day so make sure you arrange your day to take care of that! :D

Hotel de Abs here I come!

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