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heh, at the moment, I don't have the book. Wasn't originally planning to jump into this project, so didn't pre-order one. What little I did glance over, I liked, but I doubt I'll ever run two HQs with this army normally. And I didn't think you could repeat wargear on the Crypteks? Or maybe I heard that wrong...well, regardless, I'm just excited at the idea of a mixed arms army that actually might work.

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I have to say, from a fluff perspective, I really like the C'tan Shards... Exactly how effective they'll be, I'm not sure. But, the idea of taking one with Writhing Worldscape and Grand Illusion has me very interested in them...plus, S7 monstrous creatures are always a good time.

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I've been thinking for a while now that monstrous creatures should be S7 and T7. The Shards being Elites is also interesting and very tempting to take one (even just to use as a big bomb to assault a powerful enemy unit, lol!).

I think my small list will contain the following though:

Overlord + Court (Lord and Crypteks)



Deathmarks (Overlord with Phaeron joining them)

Annihilation Barge.

It's not quite at 1000 points, still about 100 more to go, but my plans are shaping up nicely.

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We play 2k here. Right now, the 'core' of my armylist is going to be Imotehk the Stormlord, a unit of Lychguard to accompany him, 30 Warriors, and 20 Immortals with Tesla weapons. Gives me a solid amount of anti-infantry, and comes in at...right around 1100, I believe. So, gives me some room to play with to add in anti-tank and support units.

And I'm definitely taking three Crypteks...these suckers are nasty. The Solar Pulse, for obvious reasons, plus the Voltaic Staff (we have a lot of mechanized around here) and the Harp of Dissonance all look like fun.

Edited by edonil
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We normally play 1500 - 2000, but I only want a small force to try out and you don't get enough in a 500 point force to really test out a list.

I'm taking Crypteks for much the same reason, they are nasty, you can hide them inside units and they have access to some great toys :)

I am tempted to take a Cylon Raider or two though... oops I mean Scythes!

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Use the FW Tome Stalker? LOL!

I've not got any real ideas yet, except maybe convert a Cryx Warjack of some kind on spidery legs.

I might just use the tomb stalker, I like the model. For now, I'm not planning on using them...got my list figured out, though.


3 Crypteks (Destruction, Storm, Transmogrification)

two 15 man Warrior units

two 10 man Immortal units with tesla

5 Lychguard to accompany the stormlord with shields

2 Doomsday Arks

C'tan Shard with Grand Illusion and Writhing Worldscape

4 scarab swarms.

clocks in at 1995 points

The C'tan is the big 'if'. I like that balance of abilities, and it synergizes well, but he's coming in at the cost of a Land Raider...which ain't a cheap date

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Sounds good, also sounds pretty mean!

My projected 1000 points right now is:

Necron Overlord (140)

Hyperphase sword, Phaeron, Tachyon arrow.

Court (135)

Necron Lord - Staff of light, Resurrection orb.

Cryptek – Eldritch lance

Cryptek – Voltaic staff, Lightning field.

12 Necron Warriors (156)

Gauss flayer.

12 Necron Warriors (156)

Gauss flayer.

8 Immortals (136)

Tesla carbines

5 Deathmarks (95)

Synaptic disintegrators.

6 Canoptek Scarabs (90)

Annihilation Barge (90)

Twin-linked tesla destructor, Tesla cannon, quantum shielding.

Edited by LonelyPath
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eh...Deathmarks don't really impress me much. Probably because I'm not seeing a lot of infantry, lol. Much more likely to see mechanized, which is why I've got so much of it. Do you really think the Barge is going to be that useful? Right now, it's kinda meh...

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...man... talking with you about this game is like being in a different world... lol, now I want to play against you just to see what the hell you lot are doing different. With the exception of a few rare individuals, hordes are dead here (which is why I'm insisting on making one, just to be different...). Fewer than six tanks tends to be pretty uncommon too, whether it's marines, sisters or guard. Hordes just get ripped to shreds a lot of the time, and the mech players are smart enough to sacrifice units to slow them down. So, I'm really curious what you lot are doing differently that a psilencer became something more than a joke, lol.

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Yeah, things are pretty different in other parts of the world. I only have to travel 15 or 30 miles to see pretty different metagames though. To give you some ideas though of lists in my area.

Nids - a couple of Tervigons about, but largely Gaunts and Stealer heavy lead by Tyrants or Primes, Trygons are popular though (but I also like Mawlocs since mine eat tank squadrons, heh).

Eldar - Mech all the way with few troops getting out unless theyare forced to.

CSM - Nurgle and Khorne mix more often than not, Warp Time DP is popular, as is Mech. There is 1 very successful Emperors' Children list around though.

DE - lots of Mech and Ravagers.

Orks - Just about every list imaginable and half of those are mine! lol!

SM - vast variations on them and codex. No UM armies andonly 1 Vulkan list in site though!

GK - varies. Mine tend to be more Strike Squad heavy and Mech, but I like to mix it up. Tomorrow it's Crowe leading 2 Purifier squads (in rhinos) with Dreads (only 1 psyfleman), a Bro. Champ., Inquisitor with daemon blade (league game with bonus 300 points that uses no FOC, in my bonus I included a Inquisitor) and a henchmen squad of 3 crusaders and 8 DCA in a chimera. Oh, there's also a Vindicare Assassin since they are so darn lethal, but I've always favoured them since 2nd edition!

Well, I think that gives you a idea, oh, Guard!

Guard again range very widely, but no one has a Mech Vet Valk list ;)

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