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Off Topic Playground

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Yeah, I'm home tonight rather than at the shop...wasn't feeling too well. Played Space Marine today...not a bad game, but I'm glad I rented it. The game got a heckuva lot better once the Chaos forces showed up, Orks just aren't that interesting an opponent.

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yeah... the NMM is NOT going well... I think I'm gonna take it to the shop and borrow some ink from the owner.... paint over EVERYTHING with the ink, then touch up.... see how it looks... then strip it down if it looks like hell...

I'm not sure it's gonna get better, but I'll use Metallics next time...

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Yeah, I seem to be going through a "Nothing seems to work" painting phase at the moment.. really annoying... its like I've suddenly lost the ability to paint anything half decent and none of the colours seem to work... Grrrr... Also trying to greenstuff hair... that is fraking hard to get right! :(

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I started with a white base... used some blues and purples... and it still looks really flat (see pic).... The model is good quality... grrr... I just don't know what to do... the ink is from a company that ONLY does inks... I don't recall the name off my head... they have a shiny finish... so I'm hoping that will help... then I'll start over from there... and if it works... great... if it doesn't... I'll simple green it...

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wow fell asleep on the couch laptop on lap .... guess I needed some zzzz's .

@ fell - yeah on commission painting you will come across sculpts that really dont paint well , usually from the smaller companies . I just did a bloodbowl team that had really bad sculpts I wasnt to happy with them , but the client was happy .

I was so happy when these where done , I really didnt want tosit at the table when they where on it .


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