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Never been much of a drinker of McEwans, then again I can't have champion as it messes about with my blood sugar to much (damn Diabetes!). However, put some Owd Rodger in front of me and it shall not go to waste, heheheh.

Yes, they are all weak in comparison to our mighty stamina... either that or we're the only insomniacs on this thread ;) hahaha

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Never been much of a drinker of McEwans, then again I can't have champion as it messes about with my blood sugar to much (damn Diabetes!). However, put some Owd Rodger in front of me and it shall not go to waste, heheheh.

Yes, they are all weak in comparison to our mighty stamina... either that or we're the only insomniacs on this thread ;) hahaha

Yeah... working night shift really screws with my sleep pattern...

Hows the 40k projects coming?

*watching Casino Royale* I forgot how good this is...

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I've writeen 28 pages of Codex: Genestealer Cults so far, when I get started on something the first draft moves along very quickly. The playtesting should mostly be refining the points values on units and maybe the odd stat (for instance, I'm really not sure if I should have made Patriarchs toughness 5, but they are supposed to be darn tough). Most of the list is now intact (well, for now) and I'll be writing up the fluff based on some short paragraphs I've noted for each unit and drawing heavily on the other material (from the Rogue Trader and 2nd edition days) and updating it to match the current feel of the game.

One thing I can do though is write fluff better than Ward, so no one's falcon punching Avatars (looking at you Calgar) or literally carving their names on daemon prince Primarchs (I see you there Draigo). Also, none of it sounds like bullet points ending with "and then I went home for tea" lol!

My All Flesh Must Be Eaten campaign is also coming along nicely and makes a little break from the codex now and then when I'm up to my eyeballs in 40k. 40 acts are finished so far and I still have ideas for at least another 80 or so :)

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I've writeen 28 pages of Codex: Genestealer Cults so far, when I get started on something the first draft moves along very quickly. The playtesting should mostly be refining the points values on units and maybe the odd stat (for instance, I'm really not sure if I should have made Patriarchs toughness 5, but they are supposed to be darn tough). Most of the list is now intact (well, for now) and I'll be writing up the fluff based on some short paragraphs I've noted for each unit and drawing heavily on the other material (from the Rogue Trader and 2nd edition days) and updating it to match the current feel of the game.

One thing I can do though is write fluff better than Ward, so no one's falcon punching Avatars (looking at you Calgar) or literally carving their names on daemon prince Primarchs (I see you there Draigo). Also, none of it sounds like bullet points ending with "and then I went home for tea" lol!

My All Flesh Must Be Eaten campaign is also coming along nicely and makes a little break from the codex now and then when I'm up to my eyeballs in 40k. 40 acts are finished so far and I still have ideas for at least another 80 or so :)


Sounds good. 2nd Edition was the last time I played 40k... took a break for like 14 years and then got back into 40k and then found Malifaux.... 40k isn't getting much love at the moment... I've got a Death Korps of Krieg army here that is still a long way from finished... I keep meaning to work on them but then I get something from Wyrd!

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When 3rd edition came out I quit 40k for about 3 1/2 years and go back into it when Daemonhunters was released. Mainly due to the fact that you could have a purely Grey Knights army again (they were my first army for 40k from when Slaves to Darkness was released), but I did rekindle passions in revamping other order armies like my Dark Angels, Orks, Imperial Guard, Crimsons Fists, Daemons and Chaos Marines (etc), all of which I went almost 100% new models on using the internet to get bargains (£6 for a sealed box of Grey Knight Terminators is my all time best bargain).

I do recycle some models like tanks and transports where possible between armies though, otherwise I'd have to have bough 7 land raiders and at least 20 rhinos (yikes!).

I'm just glad I'm better off financially these days or I'd have had to plead bankruptcy after also starting Malifaux, lol!

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