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Got a parcel arrived here today...haven't opened it but I'm thinking its my snowstorm...sweet!

Woot! Waiting for my LGS to stock them, then I'll probably snag one.

But got my Dead Rider over the weekend and got him together. Love the model but he looks so small next to the Hooded XD


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*picks up a chainsaw, opens the trapdoor and slowly dissapears into the darkness*

We are gathered here today to mourn the passing of one of our own.....Orboros.

He was a brave and likeable fellow, last seen in the vicinity of Hatchet's Trapdoor.

It has been ..... at least a couple of minutes since we last saw his smiling face and I fear the worst.

Please join me in a minutes silence for the departed....may he rest in peace....rather than pieces which is to be honest, the more likely outcome.......

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We are gathered here today to mourn the passing of one of our own.....Orboros.

He was a brave and likeable fellow, last seen in the vicinity of Hatchet's Trapdoor.

It has been ..... at least a couple of minutes since we last saw his smiling face and I fear the worst.

Please join me in a minutes silence for the departed....may he rest in peace....rather than pieces which is to be honest, the more likely outcome.......

*heard echoing up from the depths*


Vespa Vespa Vespa Vespa Vespa Vespa Vespa Vespa Vespa Vespa Vespa Vespa .... VIPER! VIPER!

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*runs like hell but unfortunately slips on his own entrails*

The paiiiin, the paiiin!!

*A bulky sillhuette appears behind him*

No Hatchet leave me be!! I ... I only wanted to play.. really .. no really.. i wouldn't try to hurt you!!

*mercieless gets draged back through the trapdoor, down there were noone can here his cry*

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