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Have you ever stood outside and let the rain fall on your face and the wind whip your hair around and smelled the earth as the first few drops fall out of the sky. Just closed your eyes and let your other senses take over? If you haven't, I strongly suggest it....

Mmm especially after a long day at work or just a tough day or something like that.

When its a warm rain and not pooring I'll strap on my Roller Blades and go on a good ride around. Then it's basically perfect, road is a little slick but that is half the fun to me. Either that or go for a run in warm rain like that *nods* =)

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Painting... No serenity tonight... Gm didn't tell me... So I waited for game for a while until he stopped in at the store to drop something off... "oh... No one told you? My bad.."

Blah... thats lame :/ I hate when that happens. Used to have that happen way to much with my HS gaming group.

*jumps onto your shoulder and curls around your neck lick a scarf to watch you paint*

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Blah... thats lame :/ I hate when that happens. Used to have that happen way to much with my HS gaming group.

*jumps onto your shoulder and curls around your neck lick a scarf to watch you paint*

My cat used to do that... Today was the first time I'd painted at my desk since February....

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My cat used to do that... Today was the first time I'd painted at my desk since February....

Heh, the new Puppy likes to lay in my lap while I paint. Would be wierd if he curled up around my neck >.>

Welcome back to your desk! Where have you been painting since then?

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mmmm just finished off some Greek salad . played some castle crashers with my sons . now iam going to paint some hmmmmmmm let me see what do I want to use in my campaign game wed. .... ah ausingers I have been nice through out this campaign. Scenario 3 , time to get nasty . * rubs hands together smiling with an evil grin looking threw shifty eyes . *

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@Foe: I had to put my cat down in February... Hence the avoiding painting at the space I set up for painting (good light, ample newspaper, etc). It's getting... Easier(?) to be places where I'm reminded of her most strongly... But I still miss her.

@Abs: yes, Chocobo is a duck... We will have to wait for Karn to fix him... I have no juice this morning...

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So, while its quiet on here, I may just pop along to the Wiki and see what tacticas are around for my masters. Got to get some idea of how to use them, in case I get the chance to play sometime soon!

#steps in elevator, and takes the short ride to the Wiki floor. Hops out#

Right, where to start?

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*walks in with a glass of OJ* Morning all.

*eyes the two Monoliths and waves his claws, both the Milkshake and Champagne Monoliths vanish* There we go..

*waves to AB, Fell, Foe, and Chocobo*

@Fell: Sorry to hear about your Cat :/ *hugs*

How is everyone doing this morning?

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Ahhh Hamelin, well have fun with him. Hope you like Rats ;)

McMourning is cool, if I was to do a Resser I would be very tempted to play him as I like his play style and the fact that he does not such a model generation factory like Nico and Kirai tend to be.

*shakes head* Getting corrupted by Ressers. You should have just followed Lilith deeper into the woods my friend and saved yourself ;)

And off to work with me! *hops onto his Monolith and drives off*

Edited by karn987
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*shakes head* Getting corrupted by Ressers. You should have just followed Lilith deeper into the woods my friend and saved yourself ;)

Lol, I haven't decided yet. It is only because I like the models, especially the canine remains. Maybe I'll just get them instead.

And I tried to follow Lilith but she slapped a restraining order on me. Most unfair! ;)

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Also, my first day as a Henchwoman was... uneventful... but It'll get better.... :D

Need to make an announcement on the LGS facebook page about Malifaux Demos... email some regulars... shoot an email to Sketch... busy busy busy :D

Ahh cool your LGS has a social media page, thats a good idea. I wonder why mine hasn't done that yet >.> *makes a note to poke the keepers about that* easier then mass emailing I hope heh. Also, huzzah for Demos! Probably my favorite part of being a Henchie is demoing for new players.

Lol, I haven't decided yet. It is only because I like the models, especially the canine remains. Maybe I'll just get them instead.

And I tried to follow Lilith but she slapped a restraining order on me. Most unfair! ;)

*Eyes you with suspicion* I think you just became more suspicious then the Shoulder Nephilim AB...

If you like the Canine Remains, then get Leveticus *nods* He is not a Resser at least ;)

Speaking of Leveticus, I've finally decided that my Alyce is going to have pale white skin and red hair in honor of your greatest weakness AB ;) Thinking of maybe a almost white pink stripe in it down the front like the studio model has.

*hops up on his Coffee Monolith to await Fell's return*

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