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its cold in my lab... someone summon a finger wiggler!

*Pulls a blanket out and puts it over you before curling up around your neck like a scarf*

There... better for now =)

Loving the dolls and Marionettes. Not so keen on the man himself. Will pick up his box to have the official dolls etc.

While I'm here, good work on the Wiki chaps

Mmm I do admit he is a bit chunky compared to his pic, but there really was no way he was going to be that skiny heh.

Thanks! Wiki is moving along nicely, getting new people every day.

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morning everyone , places box of dunken donuts on table for everyone .

The Collodi box iam mixed on. holding final judgment til i see him in person . Il buy him regardless for official tourny play .

I played The big Z and Collodi on campaign night on wed. he is wicked fast and and really bad match up for Hoffman if he gets to Ryle . He made a fairy tail themed list with the hag as the wicked witch , the wicked dolls being the little bad wolf , humpty dumpty holding a huge knife , the puppets where little gnome type things all was based on the Yellow brick road . il see if i can get some pics next week .

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morning everyone , places box of dunken donuts on table for everyone .

The Collodi box iam mixed on. holding final judgment til i see him in person . Il buy him regardless for official tourny play .

I played The big Z and Collodi on campaign night on wed. he is wicked fast and and really bad match up for Hoffman if he gets to Ryle . He made a fairy tail themed list with the hag as the wicked witch , the wicked dolls being the little bad wolf , humpty dumpty holding a huge knife , the puppets where little gnome type things all was based on the Yellow brick road . il see if i can get some pics next week .

Ohhh Donuts.... I want some now lol

Heh that sounds actually really cool, made all the models yourself? I love the sound of it, definitely have to get some pics up of that man.

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I don't think I'll do Collodi in teal and purple... I think I want to do him and the Marionettes as The Von Trapp Family (lehderhosen, Austrian colors, etc). The wicked dolls... I think I'm going to try to make them look like Children's dolls... something a child would really pick up and want to play with... give them that level of eerieniess

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I don't think I'll do Collodi in teal and purple... I think I want to do him and the Marionettes as The Von Trapp Family (lehderhosen, Austrian colors, etc). The wicked dolls... I think I'm going to try to make them look like Children's dolls... something a child would really pick up and want to play with... give them that level of eerieniess

Ohhh thats a awesome idea!

I'm not sure what color Collidi will end up... He may end up being my Red model >.>

For the Dolls I kinda want to do the same thing, make them look like Children's dolls but also patchwork. So every chance I get make them look like they are made of scraps etc and try to get that feel that there is something not quite right about them =)

I also have this idea for making one of them a stack of 3 on each others shoulders just wiggling around with the top one holding like a hammer or something...

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How about worse than the Christmas Special/Wookie Life Day?

No... that first one was much worse... this is kinda funny lol. And they actually went through the trouble to have decent costumes. Mind you I'm not saying it is actually good... but...

Dancing Storm Troopers! Which is always awesome.

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Tee hee.

Mornin'. I'm in an odd mood today... *eats bagel*

Tee Hee? Are you just in an odd mood... did brain leeches affect you mind? Are you sure you're okay?

I am TOTALLY going to get donuts during my lunch break now. you guys are SO bad for my figure. *grumbles, drinks coffee*

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*grumbles about not going to Gencon* Next year *strikes a pose* I'm going to start saving for it in September *grumbles some more*

@Sketch: It was a good match... I do tend to get "cant see the forest for the trees" syndrome though... I have to keep reminding myself to look at my objectives, not what my opponent is doing... I lost a lot of time and effort charging into battle... And I really didn't need to do it. I should have gone straight for my goals (I had Plant Evidence, took Breakthrough and Stake a Claim, announced both). I could have had all 8vp inside... three or four turns? but I got too wrapped up in *have to kill the bad guys* mode. I might have been able to win the game with almost my entire crew (I started with 11, ended with 5) and without having Perdita or Justice getting hit...

But I won... :)

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*grumbles about not going to Gencon* Next year *strikes a pose* I'm going to start saving for it in September *grumbles some more*

You'll get there eventually Fell =)

*hops up onto your shoulder and offers you some chocolate*

Then you can chase around my Nephilim and try to put bullets in them ;)

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@Sketch: It was a good match... I do tend to get "cant see the forest for the trees" syndrome though... I have to keep reminding myself to look at my objectives, not what my opponent is doing... I lost a lot of time and effort charging into battle... And I really didn't need to do it. I should have gone straight for my goals (I had Plant Evidence, took Breakthrough and Stake a Claim, announced both). I could have had all 8vp inside... three or four turns? but I got too wrapped up in *have to kill the bad guys* mode. I might have been able to win the game with almost my entire crew (I started with 11, ended with 5) and without having Perdita or Justice getting hit...

But I won... :)

Well done.

That's the biggest hurdle for most gamers coming into Malifaux.

"It's not about who or what you kill, it's about what you do." ;)

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