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Doctor Who

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I LOVE DAVID TENNANT! and donna was my fave companion. the angels just scare me. like major time. my fave monster has to be the darleks.<3 they are AWESOME!!!!!

Silly girl weeping angels are from Malifaux and are Neverborn ^_^

I personly find darleks boring, I just don't like them as a creature. Weeping angels on the other hand are wyrdest creatures on doctor who and if the're scary, it is like doctor Who should be.

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There is way to little Tom Baker love here.

Also Sylvester McCoy

Sure I love new Who as well, but it took a lot more to make a good Sci-Fi series when you had a less budget then a 3rd grade Christmas play.

But enough about Doctor Who. Who wants to talk about Red Dwarf? Or maybe Blake's 7?

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There is way to little Tom Baker love here.

Also Sylvester McCoy

Sure I love new Who as well, but it took a lot more to make a good Sci-Fi series when you had a less budget then a 3rd grade Christmas play.

But enough about Doctor Who. Who wants to talk about Red Dwarf? Or maybe Blake's 7?

I'm a bit too young for classic doctor who :(

I haven't seen red dwarf in a while, it's good sci-fi

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David Tennant (followed very closely by Matt Smith)

Amy Pond (a Scottish Dr and companion would be too much awesomeness for the universe to handle)

I prefer Cybermen to Daleks, but neither are my favourite. That'd probably be the Clockwork Droids, followed by the Vampires in The Vampires of Venice and the Sycorax.

Favourite episode... I'd say Midnight (some characters got on my nerves but it was well written) or one of Matt Smith's (Beast Below perhaps)

I've thought about this too much and I don't even like Dr Who that much...

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