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Messing with Guild


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So I am going to play in a tournament on Sat and realized it is going to be a Guild heavy night. So I thought of bring a Dreamer list that kind of screws with them.

It is not highly competitive but looks like lots of fun.


Teddy x2

Stitched Together

Day Dreams x2

27ss with a 8ss pool.

My thought is have ST keep up CF while the Teddy's use their (0) spell that adds a -3 Cb to range attacks. I can prime them first turn then bury them. Then use my DD to drop LCB for surgical strikes on flanking models forcing them to the center where I can drop the Teddy's into melee with multiple targets to have a Teddy Bear Picnic. Stitched Together is there to keep the Dreamer safe from Nino and other ranged types.(You know, all the guild models)

Any suggestions or thoughts?

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It sounds perfectly feasible to me. I like the stitched against ranged crews even in a non dreamer list on occasion.

Is it a fixed list tournament I take it?

The Lelu/Lilitu combo could be useful, with lilitu wp debuff spell paving the way for some nice life gambling by the stitched. She may also be able to lure individual enemy right into the mouths of teddy and lelu.

That would be dropping 1 teddy and having just a 3 stone cache though.

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Well you have a lot of power in the 2 Teddies and ST's, that will deal out an insane amount of damage. In all honesty, you probably won't need to ever give teddy the ability that grants -3Cb on ranged attacks vs him. The reason, dropping him directly into combat is going to make getting the shot off, very hard. But it is certainly good thinking for when they do take a pot shot at you.

As far as CF, remember that it is NOT terrain so Hunter WON'T have any effect against it. Meaning a ST can not be shot by just about every model in the game. They would have to ignore LoS or some such trickery. So they will just completely hose of the guild snipers and are a fantastic way to toy with Nino.

Chuckle is right about the Twins being a good choice but an expensive one. But you could try:


Daydream x2 -4ss

Lelu -7ss

Lilitu -7ss

Stitched Together x2 -10ss

Total 28ss with 7 Cache

This is more conducive to scenario play (playing for your strategies and schemes) and not just eating face. The Twins have a lot of utility to them and a ton of abilities that can swing things in your favor. Especially Lilitu and her Lure who can drag a model from far away up into strike range for another Nightmare or Lelu and just moving them off objectives. See my tactica for more specific information on them though.

So the one you came up with is a great list. It will chew through the guild and spit them out. Just be sure to avoid the usual issues (Sonnia and her Blasts and Lady J and her defensive Trigger etc). Also remember, you don't get paid to bring your Minions home. If you have to Sacrifice a Teddy to get something, do it without a second though ;). For when they strike him down, he will only rise again more powerful then EVER! >.>

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I will be honest, I really just want to use my Teddy's I got. Picked up more of the when I got my Nightmare version of LCB last summer and still have not gotten to use more than one at a time.:(

So this is me looking for an excuse to have my Teddy Bear picnic list.:D

Then that is all the reason you need =D

In-fact drop the 2 ST's and get another Teddy!

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Being Guild heavy you only have to watch out for one crew in particular. And that's the Ortega's. Being Stubborn means that they are all WP-8 vs your spells and abilities, and Perdita is immune. Nino has range, and Papa doesn't care and blows up anyways. (But I'm sure you know that anyways).

Other then that the other leaders are rather easy to down. Sonnia is easy to kill in CC with a melee monster. And Justice should fall fast if your bringing 2 teddies and a LCB into melee with her.

Other then that I hate the Dreamer atm cause I have little to know experience fighting him (the only person that was playing him doesn't play atm cause MtG is more important). So that means I don't know how to counter him properly XD.

Good Luck in your Tourny! Hope people don't have as much exp with fighting the Dreamer, cause he is definitely one of those masters, that if you don't know how to counter him, is really easy to win with :)

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What about a single Alp as a Dreamer escort: the problem with STs is that if your opponent gets the initiative you won't have your CF up to protect you. The Alp's Tarnekappe is rather good to prevent shooting, and might even pull the Guild player a little too far to try and reduce that distance between him and Alpie. Only one (and other peeps won't be able to accuse you of cheese!). Just one. With long teeth :)

I agree that trying to get at the Guild via Wps tests might be hardcore, except if you do it through Terrifying tests; in fact aren't they the best match up for Terror? They're all or most Living models and they don't get to use their Stubborn when flipping for Terrifying. Add a Madness to it and it'll be even more delicate for 'em.

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What about a single Alp as a Dreamer escort: the problem with STs is that if your opponent gets the initiative you won't have your CF up to protect you. The Alp's Tarnekappe is rather good to prevent shooting, and might even pull the Guild player a little too far to try and reduce that distance between him and Alpie. Only one (and other peeps won't be able to accuse you of cheese!). Just one. With long teeth :)

I agree that trying to get at the Guild via Wps tests might be hardcore, except if you do it through Terrifying tests; in fact aren't they the best match up for Terror? They're all or most Living models and they don't get to use their Stubborn when flipping for Terrifying. Add a Madness to it and it'll be even more delicate for 'em.

Yup you are right. If your going to go Wp duel focused on them, you want to switch to Pandora and go at it hardcore. Otherwise Stubborn won't do jack from helping you not pee yourself with LCB appears infront of you XD

Terrifying as a play style certainly has it's options but it's not that easy to pull off. It can be done with Nightmares and is honestly an hilarious sight XD. Maddness, Coppelius, and Teddy's = a good time ^^

As for 1 Alp, I often will run just one when I have Coppelius. I know I will get that 2nd Alp 90% of the time and once I do I set them both down to try and slow down some big threat. Or if nothing else, a single Alp can add some more mean into the fray once the Nightmares drop. Stick it near a model who really wants to attack LCB/Dreamer etc.

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What about a single Alp as a Dreamer escort: the problem with STs is that if your opponent gets the initiative you won't have your CF up to protect you. The Alp's Tarnekappe is rather good to prevent shooting, and might even pull the Guild player a little too far to try and reduce that distance between him and Alpie. Only one (and other peeps won't be able to accuse you of cheese!). Just one. With long teeth :)

I agree that trying to get at the Guild via Wps tests might be hardcore, except if you do it through Terrifying tests; in fact aren't they the best match up for Terror? They're all or most Living models and they don't get to use their Stubborn when flipping for Terrifying. Add a Madness to it and it'll be even more delicate for 'em.

Well I would prime the Stitch Together by activating his aura and putting him in defensive stance before I bury him, then when I pop my attack it is already active and I can use his full activation to do other things. Like attack the model I just popped in next to with the Gamble Your Life Away or his attack spell. (at work and I forget the name.)

Otherwise yes, Stitch would need to be activated first.

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Like attack the model I just popped in next to with the Gamble Your Life Away or his attack spell. (at work and I forget the name.)

Yes but as MadArcanist wrote, you are likely to be facing models with Wp 7/8+ either thanks to Stubborn or maybe even a Gov' Proxy (although this would be negated by your ST's fog). I would take a Madness if you really want to give the ST their best chances.

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Yes but as MadArcanist wrote, you are likely to be facing models with Wp 7/8+ either thanks to Stubborn or maybe even a Gov' Proxy (although this would be negated by your ST's fog). I would take a Madness if you really want to give the ST their best chances.

True it does give them the best chance, but that is another model to get into place and is points spent where you may want them else where. I wouldn't bring Madness just for Stitched Together. I would have other uses for them to (objective cappers, heping make Terrifying Duels even harder, ranged attacks, etc).

Even vs a Wp 7/8 with Stubborn, your still a 6 Wp so you have a chance of getting it off. Plus Inflict Dreams from the Dreamer and Disturbing Whispers from the Daydreams can help ease Stubborns impact.

My whole point is you don't need to take another model to help out just the Stitched Together when your core models have something that helps nearly as well. I'm not saying Madness isn't worth it's points, I love them to death and think they are the bee's knees.

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Well the Stitch's job is to act more as a defense than as an assault model. The Teddy's hit hard enough and with a 2" reach and being able to unbury them in the thick of it it should be easy to engage more than one model for the flurry.

Having the Teddy's use their (0) spell for their defensive -3Cb with the preprimed defensive stance and I should be able to get in it for a round with little chance of them hitting hard back.

All theory at this time but it looks like a lot of fun.

Then either clean up next round or bury them and scurry away just to do it again.

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The stitched block los to Teddies, which helps against a shooting army. When a Teddy especially 2 pop out to attack something, they usually kill it, this commonly exposes them to a giant firing line. The stitch allows them to kill freely with fewer attack backs.

The stitches other actions are just bonuses. 5 ss model to shutdown a 7ss...Nino. He will not be relying on any of the wp duels to succeed. If they do great, if they don't hopefully it burnt a card.

Most if the guildies will be using Lady J and Sonia. Lady J will be the biggest threat for Teddies her damage output is crazy big and her riposte makes even LCB shutter. That is where the 8 ss pool is most important.

I think I'm the only onethat plays Perdita and I think I will be running neverborn. So Perdita will likely only show up if I lend her out, I don't think I Willie doing that.

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Um....you guys do know that Nino's Hunter allows him to ignore cover modifiers, and see 6" into obscuring terrain, right? Granted, if you put the Dreamer/Teddies all the way behind the Creepy Fog, then yeah, they'll be safe. But Nino will still be able to shoot the Stitched with impunity.

I've just never been all that impressed with the Stitched overall. It's a seriously annoying model, but one that typically dies the first round that he's exposed. So, I guess if you intend to use him right in the thick of battle, to give the Teddies a little extra oomph, then it will probably work. But I don't think you'll gain much in terms of long-range protection while you're still approaching.

The other thing about this list, is that I'd be worried you're a bit light on activations. Can be tough to pull off the alpha-strike type moves with the Dreamer if you are out-activated very badly.

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Um....you guys do know that Nino's Hunter allows him to ignore cover modifiers, and see 6" into obscuring terrain, right? Granted, if you put the Dreamer/Teddies all the way behind the Creepy Fog, then yeah, they'll be safe. But Nino will still be able to shoot the Stitched with impunity.

I've just never been all that impressed with the Stitched overall. It's a seriously annoying model, but one that typically dies the first round that he's exposed.

Nope, Nino can't see me.


(In case you didn't know this is a link.)

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