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Steamborg Modifications?


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So, I've got a Steamborg and I'm not too keen on the big muscley guy sticking out the top. The usual Steamcrab modification is cool, but I'd hate to lose the imposing height/actual 'borg' part of the 'Borg. I also want to keep the big claws somehow. The options I've thought of are thus:

-- Top half of a Coryphee/Mannequin with Coryphee arms. Reason: I freaking love the showgirl constructs. It seems the most 'me.' The only thing with this is that the Mannequins are a bit tiny compared to the normal Steamborg body, so I can't help wondering if it'd look silly.

-- Top half of a Hollow Waif (the one in the bloomers). I've always kind of wanted a waif around, and for some reason she seems to fit the rest of the 'Borg's aesthetic. However, possible tininess.

-- Top half of Taelor. I'm a bit iffy about using a named model as a quasi-proxy for another named model, but she's clearly tough and her arms do seem the most capable of carrying those huge claws. I'm not sure how tiny she is in comparison to other figures.

-- Top half of some other figure that I haven't found yet-- ideally a gentleman in a vest and top hat.

-- Just sticking the claws into the "Borg Hole" like some kind of bizarre scorpion crab. This is a weird idea and I have no idea if it'd work, but it would get rid of the disproportionate upper body problem.

Has anyone else thought of a new and unusual way to mod their Steamborg (that they wouldn't mind me stealing) or have any thoughts on the above?

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I think the coryphee would be just fine, Tuesday, and would totally work. Use some putty on the base first and mold it to be a bit more seamless. You might also get some bow or fabric earrings or maybe use some putty to touch up the legs so they look like the coryphee dress. I'm sure it wouldn't be too tough but would look down right awesome.

Here are the two close together for some visualization:


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Has anyone else thought of a new and unusual way to mod their Steamborg (that they wouldn't mind me stealing) or have any thoughts on the above?

As a reult of a gentleman on these forums I have just received Ramos, so had been going through very similar thought processes. Despite not fully fleshing out my idea I had been looking to see if I could mod in the character from the front of a Penitent engine.

Not sure what I would do to with the rest of it right enough.


Unless Hoffman's avatar form is some kind of walker...

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Good steampunk models are hard to find, I mean the biggest and best range is Malifaux so outside of that its tough. I have yet to hunt down a nice steampunk style 30mm male gentry type figure, I have found some nice performer figures but that won't help.....

As for Mannequins, I got nothing.

But the Coryphee might work nicely and could be worth a try. The other option is to hit up some of the first class miniature painter/converters if you want to spend the money for something special their are some people who will sculpt and create the torso image currently resting in your imagination. I'd try Coryphee first.

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Good steampunk models are hard to find, I mean the biggest and best range is Malifaux so outside of that its tough. I have yet to hunt down a nice steampunk style 30mm male gentry type figure, I have found some nice performer figures but that won't help.....

As for Mannequins, I got nothing.

But the Coryphee might work nicely and could be worth a try. The other option is to hit up some of the first class miniature painter/converters if you want to spend the money for something special their are some people who will sculpt and create the torso image currently resting in your imagination. I'd try Coryphee first.

Have you tried Heresy or Hasslefree?

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Now you've got me thinkin' of how to mod mine. I was already going to try for something a bit different, thus looking for a thread like this in the first place. I've primed the upper torso and the arm muscles white, along with my other batch of models that needed painting. I was about to prime the rest of him black to make the metal really stand out.

Not too keen on the idea of Hoffman becoming a walker as an avatar form. Now, Ramos, on the other hand, since he is the pioneer of these things, would make a great avatar walker.

Terror Tot Steampunk Arachnids, to me, would look a bit too much like either Necropunks or Steampunk Abominations.

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Thanks, everyone! This is just about the opposite of what I had been thinking before work, but I think I might pursue the Hollow Waif idea. I'd have to make sure the piece'd fit, but over work I sort of built the idea up in my mind to be an entirely awesome Ladyborg.

Of course, that doesn't rule out a Corypheeborg in the future, but right now I think it's the Hollow Waif.

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  • 7 months later...

Thanks for the link. Those models are amazing! I'd seen one or two of them around before.

As far as my Steamborg, so far the only mod I've made is magnetizing his torso and base so that I can store his arachnid half in the pluck while storing his torso in a regular tray slot. Made it so I only needed to make the same amount of space in the pluck that I had to use for each of the Large Steampunk Arachnids and each of the Soulstone Miners. But it'll allow me to mod up other torsos to try out on the lower half. :)

Edited by i_was_like_you
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  • 5 weeks later...

I'm working on applying a "tux" to the upper torso of the figure as I couldn't find a model the right size. I used Instant Mold to mold the front of a Reaper fig and I'm working on a lead foil (from wine bottles) tux like "vest" to leave the arms free. Not sure how the end result will look though.

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