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Forgive me Governor, I may be about to sin!

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Most of you will know I am a big guild junkie, and will often big up the peeps in red as often as I can.

Yes, I have had lapses in the past: Lilith has pummelled me into submission, Colette and her hypnotic moves drew me in and more recently Von Schill has been teaching me the benefits of freedom.

But through all this, I have held true to one rule....Thou shalt not own a filthy ressers crew.

I hang my head in shame as I find myself having leanings towards this faction, the lure of Seamus and his belles dragging me down to a personal hell.

Instrumental in my fall have been the glorious postings on here by Sandwich (his tactica makes them sound so appealing) and Andy B (his Uncle Sam paintjobs have made them glorious to my eye).

So please, my Guild brothers (and sisters), pull me back from this abyss I find myself looking into.

Or you filthy ressers ;), tell me why i should join the undead ranks, just this once!

Help a man make the right decision......

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Resist Absolution!!! There is nothing there but pain :justice

I will admit that the dulcet tones of crooning Nephalim have called me off the beaten path, but never never never will I fall so far. Standards man! If you don't have standards, where will Malifaux go? That's right! Straight to the dogs!

The Guild was formed to protect the people (aka the Govenor General) and to keep a hold on those who abuse Malifaux's precious resources. Do not Stray from the path, Brother Black. Remember, the Straight and Narrow leads to salvation.

(Also, why do you want to play with dead girls...? That's a little creepy dude ;) )

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The Judge and Death Marshalls are undead anyway just Lady can't see it :D

Lol. He makes a good point, and with a comic flourish!

I am trying to resist but that 'lure' is getting stronger!

Maybe if I went undercover and in a moment of perfect timing, threw off my filthy resser cloak, and handed them to the Lady on a plate? (with an evil laugh obviously)

@ The one who fell: I see you live in Bangor. Would that be named after the town in Wales, or N Ireland? Or is it just a sheer coincidence? I will be happy if you say Wales! ;)

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You are ruled by a tyrant so it's pretty reasonable to be honest... There also seems to be quite a large amount of hypocrisy within the guild

The holes in the wood work are the loopholes we slip into to get the job done. Just look at Criid.... She doesn't listen to anyone but Samael..... Look where THAT landed us :D

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we are always hunted:

:perdita and her clan are hunted by the Neverborn

:justice and her crew are hated by the Ressers

:sonnia and her crew hunt the Arcanists who hunt them back

:lucius is a dandy, but the people of Malifuax hate him....

:hoffman is hated by both guild and M&SU.....

We are all hated, feared, and hunted. Sometimes we even hunt our own...

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Well Black...you know me fairly well. You know I am a firm believer in balance.

recently the dulcet tones and fiery burning embrace of Sonnia Criid have called me to the halls of the guild. So by that logic,as one falls another rises.

Free yourself from the archaic ideas of right and wrong. there is no right or wrong...there is only Fun..and boring. And you cannot believe how fun it is to be a ressurectionist,simply because your troops are so ridiculous you cant help but have fun with them.

Think of it man...a wisecracking Irish Maniac with a gun the size of a howitzer.Zombie hookers flashing their boobs to distract and entice anyone and everyone. Zombie swordsmen with bright blue mohawks and a killer's grin.

Besides...there is nothing in the world more entertaining then turning your opponents Master into a shambling zombie prostitute.

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When you cut me I bleed Guild red, but even I can't pull myself away from the siren song of other factions.

Me and Nico are on speaking termss. A Nephlim themed crew also appeals to me. And I have had a lurid affair with the Vikis and VonShill.

That being said if you ever leave the Guild for good we will hunt you down. :)

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When you cut me I bleed Guild red, but even I can't pull myself away from the siren song of other factions.

Me and Nico are on speaking termss. A Nephlim themed crew also appeals to me. And I have had a lurid affair with the Vikis and VonShill.

That being said if you ever leave the Guild for good we will hunt you down. :)

I'm in on that :D

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