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Wallet vs Malifaux

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My wallet is definitely suffering. I recently made the decision to go all-out and collect the entire Malifaux range, acting as the unofficial "Malifaux Librarian" for our gaming club. I'm getting pretty close, and it'll be fairly easy to keep up with monthly releases once I get there. Working on a list of what I have and do not have right now... Looking back, this post almost deserves a copy/paste into the embarrassment amnesty thread.

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Mostly done compiling the list! As it stands, I need four more master box sets, a bunch of totems, and a few other bits from each faction.

Only concern now is how many goats I'll have to sacrifice in hopes of getting Miss Pack in one of those four box sets ;)

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And just how good are your panting skills Alleycat? Certain people wish to know! ;)

Well,I got the camera today finally. No memory card in it though so I have to wait to receive it. ummm..I suppose you could ask Genetic or Murphy's lawyer or Mr Bigglesworth since i think most of them have seen the stuff I have painted in person.

As for how good they are? well..They Aren't as good as Dgraz's or Ratty's...but they wouldn't look absolutely horrible in comparison. I would say around the neighborhood of Good tabletop standard...They wouldnt win devoted painting competitions,but could very likely do well in a best dressed gang situation lol.

By this time next week I should have photos of them up and posted though.

And as for my Panting skills *grins* They have kept me stocked in Malifaux miniatures so far so i suppose the answer would be "Good enough"

Edited by Dark Alleycat
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No Black. Although..with a little bit of work...you could probably do that for a set of mindless zombies. Though I do have a punk zombie with a mohawk,leather pants and a union jack t shirt.

And I am still busily modding a LCB to be the guitarist of a Neverborn band "Bad Dreamz" Still gotta decide if I want to Greenstuff a Tshirt on him with that or make it look like it is wrapped around his waist. I built the axe guitar from Kiss for him allready.

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