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Pownybownz'z Outcast minis


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Hello, I'm new to these forums and haven't posted too much, but I lurk a lot.

Well, after much hard work and endless smodcasts I finally have something to share.

Please take a look. Criticism is more than welcome as I would like very much to improve my painting whenever possible.

Also, what is the most used protocol for posting images in these forums? (I'm pretty newb at forums in general)




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Nice stuff!

The brighter color pallet is a diffrent and in your case a successful change

I'm not a fan of the gloss finish though I think a dullcoat would really help bring out the details in your work

I agree with what was said here. I often find people sealing their models with a shiny coat (we often use Krylon, although Testor's is supposed to have an incredible, if pricey, one) then hitting them with a dullcoat to fight the shine.

These do look great.

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Thanks, everyone.

I do agree they would probably be better served by a coat of dull, but that's what I thought I was spraying them with. I guess matte isn't the same as dull.

Is there a brand you would recommend? Krylon or Testors?

As for the flesh, I use dark flesh as the base and build up from there, then wash with ogryn flesh. The redness you're likely seeing is my failing to achieve a good white balance before shooting the picture, and thus having to compensate during post in photoshop.

I will correct this once I finish the remainder of my crew.


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I usually spray with two heavy coats of Krylon Satin Sealer,, then follow it up with two coats of Testors Dull Coat. The satin provides a nice layer of protection (and keeps the testors from killing the metals), while the testors brings everything back to a pleasing (more natural) look.

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