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Ressurectionist Brawling

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So I have both Kirai and Nicodem whom I think both go very well together, however, their brawling strageties are a bit limited. So I'm looking at a McMourning...

I don't really want to buy Mcmourning cause I really don't like the model,but I am considering fielding my newest model as a proxy of him cause I want to put him on the table so badly (when I get home, ill post a picture of the guy I'm wanting to use).

I was wondering if McMouring paired up well with either of these (mainly nico) and if so would it be worth it. I allready have most of the resser models I want. The only ones I don't have are:

nurses (not sure if I want these or librarian)

flesh construscts (heard a lot of bad things and until I feel better I don't want them

chihuahua (I'm thinking of using him as a 5th canine remains)

sebastin ( getting because he's great with dogs).

If I used Mcmourning would I be at a disadvantage for not having these guys?

Edited by CrouchingMoose
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The nurse is really a model you will never need. The flesh construct is useful, since McM can summon them for free and they are much better then dogs. The Chihuahua is pretty needed with McM in my personal opinion. Sebastian is not needed but is a nice heavy hitter. although I tend to not have a lot of luck with him.

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The nurse is really a model you will never need. The flesh construct is useful, since McM can summon them for free and they are much better then dogs. The Chihuahua is pretty needed with McM in my personal opinion. Sebastian is not needed but is a nice heavy hitter. although I tend to not have a lot of luck with him.

Actually pairing the McMorning and Kirai box gives some interesting interactions, you really only ever want one nurse but having two stops your opponent from being able to nulify their buffs.

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A Kirai/Nicodem brawl is actually perhaps the craziest summoning combo in the game. With minimal effort, you can set up an infinite Seishin factory, and throw as many spirits as you can possibly summon at your opponent. The only challenge is striking a balance early in the game, defensively, and keeping both Nic and Kirai alive.

But if you're not into brawls that are just massive spirit-fests, then you may want to switch out with Seamus. I've found McM only really works with Kirai, because he tends to bodypartify corpses, which leads to a bit of a resource squeeze if you pair him with Nic, and a belle deficit if you pair him with Seamus. Seamus pairs well with either Nic or Kirai, because he can essentially just go off kicking ass and taking names while Nic and Kirai pull their weight summoning.

Even if you don't play ghost factory, Nic and Kirai work well as a team, just because of resource independence. Kirai's basic summon doesn't require corpses or crows, and her movement spell in the spirit world takes a mask, so you're not quite as strapped for crows as you are pairing either Seamus or McM with Nicodem. Nic's Fog is also very good for keeping Kirai alive, maintaining the soft cover around them. Keeping the two of them close together means that whenever one of the shambling hordes kicks the bucket, which they do frequently, Kirai gets a seishin.

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