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How many blisters do you need to make the masters work?


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So I have a lot of ressurectionist stuff at the moment. I do realize that some masters require certain other units to be effective (Mindless zombies for Nicodem).

My question to all my fellow ressy fans out there is this. How many blisters would you need to make each master workable? Also are there any totems that you would call an auto-include, or anything that you'd think could be better spent elsewhere.

As of the moment the only crew I don't have is Nicodem, although I do have a pack of mindless zombies already. And I am curious of boosting up what I need for Kirai before I put her on the table. So thoughts/opinions would be appreciated!

Thanks again


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Seamus' box is perfect for 25s.

You could buy the Convict Gunslinger to replace Sybelle for a few strategies, you can also add his Totem, to even out the Point Cost (It puts you at 20 SS, with 7 Stone Cache) but it's really solid box.

Nicodem's box is also perfect for 25s, but Nicodem is synergetic with ANY Resurrectionist model in the game, so it's really a matter of preference. I definately suggest trying out a Rotten Belle with your PZs. :]

McMourning's box needs a decent amount of work, however. You won't want to take 2 Nurses, and everyone unanimously agrees that McM with a pack of dogs is just beautiful.

Kirai 150% needs to get all 5 Seishin fielded, whether she starts with them or not. You could certainly try grabbing an additional Shikome and a couple of Onryo to make cute little murderfests.

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Thanks for the response sandwich, just a few additional questions:

-Are gaki needed for Karai?

-When you say additional Shikome do you mean two or just one (I have one already)

-How many mindless zombies would you suggest having on hand for playing with Nicodem?

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Thanks for the response sandwich, just a few additional questions:

-Are gaki needed for Karai?

-When you say additional Shikome do you mean two or just one (I have one already)

-How many mindless zombies would you suggest having on hand for playing with Nicodem?

Gaki aren't necessarily needed, but you'll often find yourself with a handful, so it's always nice to have a couple models lying around.

Just one extra, they're Rare 2. :]

unless you play a lot of Brawls, then you can take 4.

My group just uses 30 mm bases for zombies because you end up having so many in some games, paying 15$ for 3 MZ gets pricey really fast.

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Kirai: (minimum)


2 packs Seishin (for five)

1 Lost Love

1 pack gaki (because they show up with no effort.)

Optional: 1 shikome, night terrors.


minimum: Box

optional: Any other undead. Betty is fun and thematic. Molly.


Minimum: Zombie dogs, at least four.


Optional: Any other undeads, an extra Flesh Construct, Guild Autopsies, Rogue Necro, Chihuahua.

Nicodem: (minimum)


2 Packs Mindless zombies (probably. You could squeak by with one)

2 Packs of Dogs

Optional: your favorite summoned critters. Crooked men, Rogue Necro, Flesh Construct, etc etc etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...
For MZ's I've been using the plastic GW Vampire Counts Zombies on 30mm bases. They are slightly bigger than the actual MZ's, but they work. Especially in those games where you need a lot of them!

I've made my own zombies out of Flagelant bodies with ghoul arms, they look a lot more in proportion than the current zombies. You should be able to get lots of spare arms off any VC player that has ghouls you get tonnes in the box.

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I've made my own zombies out of Flagelant bodies with ghoul arms, they look a lot more in proportion than the current zombies. You should be able to get lots of spare arms off any VC player that has ghouls you get tonnes in the box.

The empire militia also has some nice parts if you want to give them more of a citizen feel. Particularly the greatcoats.

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