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Viktoria-korps League List. Need some feedback.


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Well as is, the games run at 35 SS which you use a 50 SS roster to choose from for each game.

For my 50 I was thinking something kinda like:


Von Schill

Korps Librarian

Convict Gunslinger

Ronin x3



I would take more Friekorps, but be it personal luck or not. They perform very lackluster. The Librarian and Von Schill on the other hand always shine for me.

Convict always seems to push more then his weight.

The Ronin and Misaki are tests. I haven't really played them much and actually need to go purchase my own but seeing as the league idea is less competitive I wanna use it more as a testing ground. But of course I still wanna bring a strong list.

Johan I've been a fan of for a while, he either causes severe headaches or gets some objectives.

I planned on aiming for anywhere between 8-5 SS cache for matches. And was gonna pull from this list. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.

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I'm a big fan of the Victoria's. Other than some demo games I've played, they are the only crew I've used.

I think the guys you've picked are pretty solid. So far, I have not tried teaming the girls up with Von Shill and the Friekorp, so I can't speak on that point except to say I believe it's a great idea. The librarian's healing alone will make it worthwhile. I have used the rest of the guys you've mentioned so I can talk about them.

Convict Gunslinger and the Ronin are great for their points. I've been using them more and more. Don't expect to get back another Vic by sacrificing a Ronin. That is nearly impossible to get off (I've never succeeded at it). But as far as combat goes they are well worth it. Don't over look the Ronin's Harmless. When I started paying attention to that it helped me out.

Johan I love. Solid with decent damage.

Misaki is a hard hitter... sometimes. She's fairly tricky to use right, and far more fragile than I would like. If your opponent knows to target her early, your out a big hitter and there's nothing you can do about it.

By my calculations (double check, I don't have the cards in front of me) you can drop Misaki and get Taelor. She an absolute beast! I rarely leave home with out her... now that I think about it, I NEVER leave home with out her! Great damage, great reach. She can take a pounding and still see another turn. In any given game you can use her or Johan to supply the muscle and take a few hits.

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I tried out the Vik's and Von schill combo.





Von Schill

two Viks

Convict Gunslinger

2 Freikorpman

The great thing with this is that you can have the sword vik running around and stabbing things like crazy,with the gun vik buffing the sword vik and the librarian to heal if the sword vik gets wounded. And if you absolutely need to start doing their movement shenanigans you can pull the second one forward.

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I think your list is solid, but a little one dimensional. As you have so many points to play around with, I would try to squeeze in Hamelin if you can, just to add a bit of variety.

Also, I would persevere with the Freikorp. I found them a little underwhelming at first, but the more I play with them the more I like them, especially when they are lead by The Viks.

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Do you think you are ever going to run all 3 ronin in the same list, if not I would drop one and put in the specialist, It's not going to ever be an auto-include but in certain matchups it gives you utility.

Agreed - I rarely take three Ronin, and the Specialist is fantastic. His flammenwerfer can create havoc (just watch out for Hard to Wound models who make it difficult to get the blasts off), but even more impressive is his ability that causes models with WP under 6 to take a negative flip against him in combat - my specialist often ties up melee beatsticks for a good few rounds as they just can't shift him.

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I have played against the Vics and Von Schill together quite a bit.

Misaki is very hit or miss. Sometimes she does massive damage and kills big things quickly. Sometimes she dies an aweful death before doing anything. She is truly a glass cannon. If your opponent has experience playing against her then he will probably do his best to take her out before she can attack.

Librarian is great, but will go down hard if the opponent wants it to.

Trapper seems to be pretty cool so far.

Regular Freikcorpman seem to be a decent low cost unit. They are great because they are still somewhat effective, but are not as much of a target as other models are. They can be overlooked by your opponent as he focuses on other threats, such as Misaki, Specialist, Trapper, or Librarian.

Johan, Taylor, and Misaki are great for fighting a spirit heavy army (Kirai)

Ronin seem pretty cool, but I have never seen one replace a vic, ever. I have seen them sacrificed for soul stones. They seem like a pretty solid unit. They can be really annoying to fight with some of their special abillities.

If you like the gunslinger, then use him. So far I have been pretty unimpressed either using him or playing against him. He gets better with obey so that he can be moved into position before shooting a lot. If he has to move on his own and then shoot he will not be really effective. He also tends to have a reputation and pay for it by being killed quickly.

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Viks -0

Von Schill -9

Korps Librarian -7

Convict Gunslinger - 5

Ronin x3 - 15

Misaki - 7

Johan - 6

Personally I'm not a fan of so many ronin. To me Ronin are just too flimsy. I'd drop the number down to 1 or 2 just in case a viki dies, how often do you actually use all 3?

Misaki, as stated, is a glass cannon & I have enver seen her work against an experienced opponent. I'd drop her completely.

Also lose Johan. The main thing he brings is melee power, with the viktorias & to a lesser extent Ronin, you already have that.

So if we lose Misaki, Johan & 1 ronin you free up 18 SS.

With that I would take 2 trappers. Mainly because of first turn kills. Generally when you hit you hit with 1-5 (-1 flip) if you focus you usually (in my experience) hit with a straight flip which can then be cheated. 6-10 damage on a unit turn 1 is usually enough to kill something.

This leaves you with 6 SS left & if you really want johan you could take him. However I would take a korpsmann & a desperate merc. The korpsmann, while you find lackluster, have always performed well for me. As for the desperate merc, yes it will die on close of turn 3 but you can sac it for some nice bonuses, they have always done good for me.

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Viks -0

This leaves you with 6 SS left & if you really want johan you could take him. However I would take a korpsmann & a desperate merc. The korpsmann, while you find lackluster, have always performed well for me. As for the desperate merc, yes it will die on close of turn 3 but you can sac it for some nice bonuses, they have always done good for me.

I concur, the desperate mercenary can heal something as it dies. In a melee heavy army it is likely that you will have something to heal by the end of turn 3. If I remember correctly it can also put out some serious firepower in some situations. Not bad for 2 soul stones, as a healing flip costs 1 anyway and can only be used by masters or henchmen.

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I've been rolling the ideas around, considering this and that.

I've drafted up another idea taking your collective advice into consideration.


Von Schill -9

Librarian -7

Koprsmen x2 -8

Specialist -5 (Sorta iffy, was fantastic my first few games then everyone got scared of him)

Ronin x2 -10

Trapper? -6 (Iffy, I don't know if I have poor deployment or everyone is afraid of a guy chilling too far up the board but he gets womped on good)

Then with the remaining 5 I am considering 2 setups.



Desperate Merc + Student of Conflict (I like the student just for the Fast Viks it's messy)

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I agree with some of he posts that 1-2 ronin is enouh, but I really like misaki. I have used her well as a flanker or late game model. I would agree with dropping johan and grabbing taelor, she hits hard and is hard to kill. My suggestion would be to try to find a way to fit in either hamelin or jack daw. Both of those models can add some range and versatility to an otherwise very straightforward list. Each of them gives your opponent something pretty major to deal with one way or another. If you can take the desperate merc he would be good simply as a point filler if you needed an extremely cheap model.

My list would look like:


Von Schill



Ronin x1



Convict Gunslinger

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Jack Daw?

how does this guy fit in?

Jack Daw is one of the best denial models in the game. He is exceedingly hard to kill and is pretty fast too. Usually you want him for Claim jump or Destroy the Evidence, because he will park around your opponent's objective and more than likely stay.

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