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Reanimation + Molly


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First, im new to the game so maybe i missed something in the rules.

Can Nico realy use reanimation to summon Molly?

The spell limits only non-spirit, non-unique undead.

- Molly is Undead

- Molly is no spirit

- Molly is a Henchmen (but Henchmen are not unique ruleswise)

Im sure, Nico shouldn´t be able to summon her, but ruleswise its possible or did i miss any new errata, or im just totaly stupid?

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I can find nothing in the rules that prevents it, she meets all the requirements. I have no doubt this will be errata'd but in the meantime I may have to try it out.:top:

@Wierd Sketch - I'm not sure what Rules Wrangler means, however unless you have the power to change the words in the book I will have to disagree with you. She is not listed as unique & Henchmen are not listed as unique. Unless you can point me to a page in the book where it says otherwise she meets all the pass criteria & none of the fail criteria, so Rules as Written yes she can.

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Just talked with my friend whose been on here longer then me & he said rules wrangler means your word is law (grounds for immediate errata). Sorry I just didn't know what those things meant I'm still kinda new around here.

Will be book marking this post in case it comes up in any of our games.

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Badge = Rules Marshal. Meaning Official Rules guy.

Top Hat = Wyrd Employee. Meaning I work for Wyrd.

Disagree all you'd like, but my ruling is correct.

Im fine with that, but u could write something more than just, she is unique.

After i read ur post i thought i have missed something.

But im glad that she should be unique, cause it would be very strange to summon a henchman :P, and maybe a little bit broken

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The way I understood it is that henchmen are unique by default just like masters. Otherwise you could hire multiple and that would just be weird in the sense of you are hiring one guy and a duplicate of the same guy to do the job

Not exactly, In the new rules manual masters are not listed as unique like they were (Unless I missed something). If I missed it please point to me where it says masters are unique by default, because I could not find it. Now there is a small precedent albeit an inadequate one in my mind, page 71 last bullet under general.

"Only one version of each named Unique model may be in a Crew" However you now run into what constitutes a name, technically each model has a name. I know the intention however I feel much confusion / rules lawyering ass-hattery could be avoided with a simple addition of "Masters and Henchmen are unique".

As for hiring multiple henchmen you cannot hire more than one per master. "When a Crew is lead by one or more masters, it can hire one henchman per master" Emphasis on hire, not have. Saying I can only hire one is much different than being unique or Rare(X).

I don't want to hijack this thread further but I will post in the rules discussion about this. Please also keep in mimd I am not arguing how I would play it or how I think it SHOULD work, simply how it is written to work.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Im fine with that, but u could write something more than just, she is unique.

Um, why? Rules Marshal says something's unique, it's unique. Do you need a fluff explanation? Sure, here's one: there's only one Molly. There's only one Seamus (and a Copycat), there's only one Mortimer, there's only one Centa, there's only one Dorian.

In EVERY game I have EVER played, named characters are always considered unique unless a special rule says otherwise.

Dorian: technically each model has a name? Seriously? Does a rulebook need to differentiate between "title/type/referent" and "given name" to prevent what you call "asshattery"? NOT HARD.

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