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And as far as it goes,Im a guild player and I never bother taking Nino. And as far as it goes...Nino is useful. But he isn't a one man game winner.

There are ways for any master to deal with him.

What are you talking about, when I played your Sonnia you had your brand spanking new Nino on the table because the other Guild Players told you to get Nino when you started running her.:lol: (this is me pocking a little fun Lenny.)

Maybe you stopped playing him but he was there.:guns:

Not calling you out but I remember certain players giving all the new Guild players the same advice, and almost all of them started running Nino. And the last Group I played in was not any different. One or two games after a new Guild player got there first box you saw Nino running around in their lists. Same went with the Convict Gunslinger in every non-guild list for awhlie during my first league I played at GG, almost.

Does not make anyone a bad person for doing that either. Heck I own two Lelus now because I saw someone else run two of them and loved how they worked.

Edited by Murphy'sLawyer
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I think what will happen is that now that book two is almost done releasing and book three is on the horizon we will see less of the auto includes due to more choices, which there was a distinct lack of for a while, and we will be able to see more models that make us sweat. Ryle, I'm looking at you.;)

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I think what will happen is that now that book two is almost done releasing and book three is on the horizon we will see less of the auto includes due to more choices' date=' which there was a distinct lack of for a while, and we will be able to see more models that make us sweat. Ryle, I'm looking at you.;)[/quote']

**Ryle points a gun at you.. ** " You feel lucky punk, well do you??"

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Thanks Murphy.

Yeah, if I gave the impression that I was mad about the game, then I apologize. I don't get mad very easily, and I had a great time playing Murphy the other day (he's just a nice guy). I like Malifaux, but I'm pretty new and I don't have the time until later next week to invest in studying the rulebook due to finals.

With regards to quitting... um, not sure where that came from. This has happened to you before where players get mad and quit? Have you seen how many models I'd collected before even playing the game? Quit? Yeah right!

My concern is exactly what Murphy was stating, in fact he stated it better than I could. That auto-include models damage the game. If Nino isn't an overpowered model then OK. I'm new, and maybe I've misread things, but in my own defense I did mention that I recognize that I have a lot to learn in my post. :P

With regards to unbalanced 40K, its my personal opinion (and its not a popular one) that dex's of the same edition are more balanced than folks want to admit. It's players ability that tends to be out of whack, and I'm certain that is also the case in Malifaux too (and in any other mini's game we could discuss here).

Edited by twofalls
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Heh, none taken.

I just placed an order for two Stitched Together, Lelu and Lillitu, a Voodoo Doll, and Nekima (Murphy said she is out this week?) with Red Castle.

I plan to play Lilith for a while until I feel I've learned the game and the crew, but eventually I'd like to try out the Hag and her dollies. :D

Edit: Oh, as an aside, that TK -> Warmachine trade? He was looking for me to give him everything for about $400 of models. Needless to say that is not happening. Guess I wont be playing WM anytime soon. :bitchslap

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Just about everyone here loves the game lol. And no worries James I was just wanting to make it clear that while Nino is useful,he isn't an auto-include for everyone. After this weekend I finally learned how to use him properly,so I can foresee him making it into larger point lists...but he still isn't going to be one of my go to guys. But yes,there are models that are really powerful,and in certain types of lists they are almost allways present..but that is because they work very well with those types of lists.

For instance,for ressurectionists. I haven't ran into a single resser player that wouldn't take a rotten belle or two if they were allowed to use them. Why? because they are very useful,durable as hell and affordable.

Each list has troops that do a certain job well. And if you want a specific job done,you go for that model. Long range sniping? You go for a Freikorp trapper or Hans if your not guild,and nino if you are.Why? because those are the models that are built to do that sort of thing. Melee monster?You can use things like Steamborg Executioner,or Punk Zombies or Executioner or Mature Nephilim..Or one of the outcast melee people.

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The twins will help and are still with theme of Lilth. Look forward to catching a game with ya soon. Just need to finish my garden and my Saturday will be a little free. We are doing a full scale landscaping project with our front yard. Took out 10 plants and have planted 12 more this week we will be planting about 20 veggie plants. its fun being a farmer.:)

Keep in mind can't run voodoo with Lilth her totem is a decent range addition. Nekima is amazing but a bit of a point sink. Paired with twins and tots can be real nasty. I don't think I would ever use her but het model gorgeous and I will eventually get her for that. Zoradia is an awesome master very versatile probably one of the best masters.

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Sad that there's such a vibrant scene and it's two hours away.

Eugene's Malifoolery is growing but not near your guys' level of play. Yet to run a tournament. No henchman in the area. We've only been playing for a little over a month.

Which store do you guys play at?

Evolution Gaming is where most of us go to play, here in Eugene.

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Not calling you out but I remember certain players giving all the new Guild players the same advice' date=' and almost all of them started running Nino.[/quote']

The very first Malifaux advice I got, when I was buying my first box, was to auto-include Nino, so I bought him.

It's good to read this thread, because I'm realizing that I shouldn't always take him. He hasn't been amazing for me, either, but that's probably because I haven't figured out how to use him effectively yet.

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He is good,he is the best choice for a sniper if you are guild. But that doesn't mean you allways need a sniper in the game you are playing. It depends on your goals,your opponent's likely models,and what the field looks like.

As an example,if your encountering someone that can move 17 inch and then attack,then taking Nino is a horrible idea.

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On the subject of the trade: He wanted to do what? Yeah, that is a BIG No in my opinion too.

What was he thinking.

Well it appears he really wants my Tomb Kings army because he came back with an acceptable offer. I'm getting his Khador army as well as a bunch of NIB IG vehicle models. Since I play IG that was a good deal for me.

Now that I have a WM army, which books to I need to get?

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Yes I did, now I am working on getting the guys to go from "That sounds great" to actually showing up.

(To be honest gamers are sometimes difficult about getting out of their comfort zone. New places intimidate them. But I am not giving up on them. One or two days of them getting a game in there and they will be setting up off days pick up games there.)

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