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Guess it's about time to say hi.


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Hello all, been around for a little bit but just starting to have free time to post so I figured I'll introduce myself:

People call me Dorian.

I'm from Western NY (No not NYC)

I play Malifaux casually & Warhammer 40k competitively.

I can be a bit abrasive, especially on rules debates. So if I seem like a jerk I apologize but when it comes to rules I try to be as concise as possible and if I think you are wrong I will tell you flat out "You are wrong" and then quote the rules to show you where. Not trying to be mean I just handle rules very mechanically which I feel is the best way.

I'm not a terribly good painter though I do my best on my malifaux minis. Much more fun then painting the same Space Marine for the hundreth time :684:.

Aside from that I don't really know what else to say other than Hello.

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