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Freikorps vs Cult of December


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This is my first time writing a battle report, so be gentle.

I'm playing Freikops and my friend is using Cult of December.


Freikorps- Von Schill, Librarian, Trapper, Flammwerffer, 2 Korpsman. 3 Soulstones

Cult of December - Rasputina, Wendigo, Ice Golem, 3 Ice Gamin. 7 Soulstones.


Shared Reconnoitre


Freikorps - Both Announced, Eye for an Eye and Gather Soulstones.

Cult of December - Both Unannounced, Sabotage and Framed for Murder (Wendigo)


We didn't use it all game, really it had no effect on our game at all.

Turn 1:

Freikorp's Summary:

All models advanced towards the enemy.

December Summary:

All figures advanced and Rasputina cast ice pillars in front of the Trapper.

Turn 2:

Freikorps Summary:

Von Schill kills the wendigo (+1 VP for December), Flammwerffer kills one Gamin and wounds the other two. Trapper moves and kills another Gamin. No damage or hits to crew, using Librarian DEF increase spell.

December Summary:

Ice pillars in front of the Trapper, Ice Gamin sabotages hill (+1VP for December).

Turn 3:

Frekorps: 0VP

December 2VP

Freikorps Summary: Von Schill wounds Golem, remaining Gamin killed by Korpsman and Flammerweffer.

December Summary: Target Von Schill with Rasputina's offensive spells, used two soulstones, did 5 damage. Charge Von Schill with Golem do 2 more damage.

Turn 4:

Freikorps: 0VP

December: 2VP

Freikorps Summary: Von Skill kills Golem, used one soulstone. All other models target Rasputina.

December Summary: Use another soulstone to ignore worse of the incoming damage, more ice pillars.

Turn 5:

Freikorps: 0VP

December: 2VP

Frekorps Summary: Von Schill kills Rasputina and casts generic spell to sacrafice models to gain soulstones. Korpsmanns and Flammwerffer sacraficed for 3 soulstones. Gather soulstones scheme complete.

December Summary: All models dead.

Turn 6:

Freikorps: 2VP

December: 2VP

Freikorps: Von Schill sacrafices all remianing models (Other than himself) for more soulstones, but forgot to move into enemy table half. Final Soulstone pool - 8.

December: All models dead. Final Soulstone pool -4.

Final result:

Freikrops 5VP from schemes.

December 2VP from schemes.

So my Freikorps won due to my scheme combination and the fact they are to hard to kill. My friend was annoyed at my choice of army and schemes. However he often uses Eye for and Eye so he has no reason to moan. I will hopfully post more reports in future, most likely regarding my new Lucius crew.

Until next time.


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We didn't use it all game, really it had no effect on our game at all.

I can't imagine this ever being the case unless you are not using nearly enough. I think lack of terrain is the main reason poor old Tina got wiped out - Tina herself was the only model with range, her crew didn't stand a chance without some cover to hide behind. Even Tinas Ice pillars are no more than a nuisance if the enemy can just walk around them (as opposed to where they block an alleyway or something requiring a significant detour).

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To be perfectly honest, why did you choose those schemes? If you're just trying them out then I kind of understand, but they are antithetical to your match-up. One of the great things about this game is the order in which you choose your strategy, army and schemes. He was playing a relatively slow list, and more importantly you new he had 4 more SS than you did. Why did you pick Gather SS?

I'm not trying to say you did a bad job playing, you won and hopefully had a good time playing, which is the most important thing. But my advice for you would be to think critically about your schemes and pick ones enhance your list or strategy rather than ones that constrain you.

I'm not trying to discourage you or make you look bad. I hope you'll take this as an attempt to help you play better, as we should all hope to play better thanks to the advice on these forums.

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To answer the comments so far.

We don't have much terrain on hand at the moment (Waiting for the Terraclips) so our games are kind of plain at the moment.

My scheme choice was kind of dumb, the reason I took them was to wipe the smug grin of my friend's face when he proundly anounced his army would not need to spend a single soulstone to win. I don't usually play like this, but the fact is he has beaten me a lot lately so it was kind of a grudge match.

Also i'm glad Eye for an Eye is down to 2VP now, because I hate playing people with 3VP schemes.

Any way thats all for now got a rematch in a few days (With lots more terrian hopefully) i'll let you know how it goes.


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