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NeverEnding December


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This is all very much a WIP, all I've got left is some small details (eyes...) a Silent One and Rasputina herself. Im so afraid of painting cloth that I've been staring at them all night, this is really my first time painting a model and caring about details...Hope you guys like it!

(basing is going to be done soonish)

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I dont know where I could find that...the closest hobby place is focused more on model trains and airplanes. They have woodland scenics stuff

Woodland scenics is great stuff for basing (and a lot cheaper because of the bulk). Would recommend though that you buy a few colors of the flock and static grass and mix them together (to better mimic real ground cover).

Also if you want to add some snow effects to your December crew I would strongly recommend their Water Effect and Snow Flock (great stuff and very realistic when completely dry).

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epiphany, I dislike drybrushing. Its fast and easy but definately more suited to games like warhammer where each individual models details are lost in the mob. I need to strip the paint off my Rasp but she'll be done quickly I promise. Till the I'm working on my Freikorps. Brace yourself for that thread :D

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Also it has many uses for helping to break up a large flat expanse of one color like on a cloak or something like that. It,just like every other tool in your painting arsenal has its uses. Though I do agree it works as a primary tool for 40k where you have bunches of models equipped similarly. Plus there are just certain things that a light drybrush works the best for giving the proper highlighting.

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