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Our LGS is dying.


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This always happens peoples real life get in the way or they move away. You need to keep a constant supply of new people coming into the hobby or else you will end up with shrink due to natural wastage. You need to start introing the game, try to find groups of friends that play something like 40k and get them all to come along together. They are more likely to get into it as a group as then they will have people to play.

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The other thing to remember is if things get really dire, it's really important to make sure everyone knows they will get a game if they turn up. I ended up spending 3 gaming evenings in a row chatting with people as no-one turned up with Malifaux, but as soon as the few gamers we had in Cambridge realised they would get a game they started coming in every week and we are starting to get a reasonable number now.

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The real question is in the long run do you want to get games of Malifaux, if the answer is YES. It's worth doing. At worst you go around a lot of clubs meet some new people and intro a few games.

It just takes perseverance.

I'm currently trying to get all the people that have brought a box because the models are cool and not even had a game yet to have an intro with me. I've got enough crews that I can lend them one.

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All the big stuff already seems like it's covered but ask yourselves why you got into the game.

For me it was the mini's but the Henchman I first got a demo from didn't play any mini games before this one. He loved it for the story and art etc. Leave the books and a few models near you when playing a game etc for people to see. The game may well draw in people you would not have thought.

I seem to have it the other way, with people playing in clubs but no lgs stocking it, so as ratty says, try to generate interest at some local clubs, they will have to buy their stuff somewhere and that may draw them to the lgs

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Hey Sandwich, are we talking about the Game Matrix here? I'm surprised that you think it's dying- every time I have stopped by, there have been 6+ people playing games. I've got a couple suggestions-

1. Set up a forum or a mailing list to organize yourselves. The first few years I started gaming (40k and WHFB), I would just cross my fingers and show up on the designated gaming night. Being able to organize your games in advance helps a great deal, especially if there are conflicting schedules and you want to play on different days of the week.

2. Try a tournament or a campaign. We've been running a campaign over the past few weeks up in Bellingham. Each person picks a master/henchmen, and we try to defend/attack territories that have been allocated to each faction. If you want me to elaborate, drop me a PM.

3. Hit up other gaming stores. Spread the word. There might be other groups meeting on other nights, and if you show up and put in a good word, I bet a couple people might show up to play you folks.

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I agree with the forum idea or setting up Schedules. I would never just turn up at a FLG hoping to get a game as it could be a massive waste of time.

Being able book and make sure you get a game is big plus.

Campaign or league is a great idea and makes people feel they are part of something and want to play each week to further the campaign for league.

Although I dont have much knowledge in FLGS we dont really have them in London, everybody goes to clubs where you set up challenge nights and games before hand so you know you have a game.

I dont know anybody that just walks into a store and hopes to get a game.

Are there any gaming clubs around you that you can play at instead or give out flyers for the store. Although if they already have a club cant see them going to the FLGS.

I guess just try to get the word out.

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Hey, this is Kyle. You and your brother taught me to play the other Friday. I ended up grabbing the rulebook and some models (more coming in the mail as well), but yesterday I was busy. My schedule is hectic at the moment, and Fridays aren't really the best for me anyway, but I'll try to make it down again for sure. It was a fun time, and I like the game quite a bit.

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Are the malifaux players turning up but playing a different game system ?

If so I would work on the league campaign idea to get them back into the game.

Yes I would change from Friday to Thursday. Friday night is when most people go out or are just done after a week of work and would like to chill out.

But yea games wax and wane its just how it works.

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Hey, this is Kyle. You and your brother taught me to play the other Friday. I ended up grabbing the rulebook and some models (more coming in the mail as well), but yesterday I was busy. My schedule is hectic at the moment, and Fridays aren't really the best for me anyway, but I'll try to make it down again for sure. It was a fun time, and I like the game quite a bit.

Sounds good man.

We'll be looking forward to you. :]

I've talked to two other people so far and they're gonna come down and check it out, hopefully.

The problem is, we usually have a turn out of around 6 to 10, but friday we only had 3. :[

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Its also a matter of the time of the year. A lot of people get very busy with real life this time of the year. I know my Malifaux group swings up and down depending on the time of the year. Seems to busiest in the Summer and fall, then drops of during the winter.

But like others have said a personal Google group for the store or area is a great idea. That way people can setup games and know when others will be at the store.

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I am willing to bet it might be more sustainable on a different night. I know a couple of your players were Seattle refugees after we lost Fire and Sword. With the opening of the Seattle Game Club downtown-one of the owners is really supportive of Malifaux-there will be some players peeled away from the Eastside and Tacoma areas on Friday night. Fridays have been our groups gaming night for six or seven years now.

I know its a bit of a drive for you, but you should come up this Friday, maybe bring your group with you, as it is the grand opening party. Mayhaps you will find some other Tacoma and South Seattle folks who would be down with a different night of gaming.

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Where in Tacoma are you? I was at Fort Lewis for a while once upon a time, and I visit my family in Bremerton a couple of times a year. Now I know to pack the Malifaux figs for the next visit.

The Game Matrix is in the South Tacoma/Lakewood area, at 84th and S. Tacoma Way, basically right off 512.

I'd say most of the clientele are Fort Lewis guys, surprised you missed it. Definitely stop by next time you are in town.

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