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Hi Everyone(and a question)


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Hi everyone. I am a veteran Warmachine/Hordes player looking to branch out to Malifaux because it looks like another great game.

Am I correct in my understanding that there is a new ruleset coming out? If so, should I wait for this before I jump in?

Also, if I do wait for new rules(assuming the above is correct), would it make sense for me to still buy a starter set(such as the Witch Hunters Crew) and get to painting up some minis beforehand?

Thanks in advance for any responses!

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Should probaably start off by welcoming you to the forums.. Soeh.. Welcome to the forums! :)

In february a rules manual will be released, the contents of the manual will more or less be the same as the rules from Book1 (and maybe the encounter system from Book2? Dunno), but the somewhat notorious amount of errata for this game has been written into it and other parts have been clarified. Everything making it much more managable for newcomers to get a grasp of the rules.

All the core mechanics remain the same and the stat cards for the models will remain the same (although they've just been redone to V2 aswell with a few slight changes).

This is at least my understanding of how things will unfold :)

Oh and a stripped down pdf-version of the manual will be made available for free at some point in the not too far-off future.

Edit: I made it sound as there won't be any changes to the rules at all with the manual, which is not exactly correct, but I 'think' it'll mostly be with terrain interactions and such. Just a month and we'll know for sure :P

It should be safe to buy miniatures though!

Edited by Wodschow
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The 1st book is nice. The rules will be replaced by the new book and the stats for characters have been slightly changed by the V2 cards. However what the 1st book is great for is background, it gives you information about who each character is and each character has a place in a ongoing story arc. I think over 50% of the first book is background.

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Hi and welcome! Great to hear that Malifaux caught your attention. As for the books, it's really up to you, and what you priorities are. You will still be able to learn the game, play the game, get the background fluff and a majority of the masters/crews from book 1. The rules will be getting upgraded with the Rules Manual, but the vast vast majority of changes are simply clarifications, simply to tighten up the rules and cut down on any possible misunderstandings between players. The biggest reason for the Manual is to put the rules into a format which is quick and easy to use and bring with you everywhere, as it's not filled with fluff, has very limited artwork, and no model stats in it. The goal of the book has been to augment the game system, not to replace book 1. That said, if you're just interested in the most updated ruleset and nothing else, then the Rules Manual will be for you, you'll just have to wait! That said, it never hurts to choose a crew that interets you and get ahead with your painting :D

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Hi and welcome! Great to hear that Malifaux caught your attention. As for the books, it's really up to you, and what you priorities are. You will still be able to learn the game, play the game, get the background fluff and a majority of the masters/crews from book 1. The rules will be getting upgraded with the Rules Manual, but the vast vast majority of changes are simply clarifications, simply to tighten up the rules and cut down on any possible misunderstandings between players. The biggest reason for the Manual is to put the rules into a format which is quick and easy to use and bring with you everywhere, as it's not filled with fluff, has very limited artwork, and no model stats in it. The goal of the book has been to augment the game system, not to replace book 1. That said, if you're just interested in the most updated ruleset and nothing else, then the Rules Manual will be for you, you'll just have to wait! That said, it never hurts to choose a crew that interets you and get ahead with your painting :D

and lets not forget find someone with the rules to run you through a couple of games. You always learn faster doing than reading, or is that just me.

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and lets not forget find someone with the rules to run you through a couple of games. You always learn faster doing than reading, or is that just me.

It helps a lot if at least one person involved in the game actually knows how the rules work. During Malifaux League night it's always good when we have a Henchman handy to answer questions.

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