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Need help on choices for models to get


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Ok, so I've already got the core book and I've ordered the Freikorps box, the Lilith box, some young nephs, Lilitu, Lelu, and the updated rulebook (though I don't know when I'll get them in as it's all in a group order with some stuff that the store will have to order in).

Since then I've had a birthday and I got a gift certificate for an online store and so I've trying to figure out what to get. I'm already going to order the Rising Powers book so for the rest of the money I've narrowed it down to two options:


Bad Dreams Box Set + Teddy


Victorias Box Set + Ronin

The site has both options in stock and the difference in cost is that option 1) is $2 more expensive.

Now, I'm interested in both outcasts and neverborn. I'm a fan of the Dreamer and Lord Chompy bits, or at least how the pics in the Rising Powers book look and the nightmare version (I would have to heavily modify the "WHY???" pose, which is a big negative considering my crappy modeling skills), but on the other hand I think I have some decent models for a Lilith force already and I hear that Freikorps really need Taelor or Johann for some extra hitting power.

Another thing to consider is that while the online store has teddies and the Bad Dreams box, it doesn't have any alps or day dreams and after this and the previous order I won't have any money for models for a while.

The reason I'm looking at the Victorias box is because it comes with both Taelor and Johann and I like the models for the Vicks (and with the price Bishop is free). The reason behind the Ronin is because they look like they work with the Vicks thematically and in game due to them being able to res their other half by using a Ronin and some soul stones.

Personally I like both options so I want to get the one with more synergy with what I already have. Can I get some pros and cons for each option? Right now I'm leaning towards option 2, but I want to hear if there are any good reasons to go with option 1 instead.

Thanks for the help.

Edit: I'm also thinking of getting a Malifaux deck. Should I go with the standard one or the Puppet deck? What do the cards for each deck look like, anyways?

Edited by Phalanx
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I would go with the Viks out of the two options. The Dreamer isn't amazingly playable without Day dreams and Alps.

The normal deck is normal card, they are black with an single image for each suit for 1-5 and 6-10 then individual images for 11,12,13. They are easy to read and have Weak, Moderate and Severe marked on them so it's easy to work out the damage flip.

The Puppet deck is plastic coated so much more durable, they have individual artwork on every card which are the Puppet pictures of the Masters and their minions, with each suit being one of the main factions and the Red and Black Joker being the Viks. Some people find the numbers and suits hard to read, however you do get used to using them and can tell what you have got from the pictures. They have a parchement base colour.

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I would go with the Viks out of the two options. The Dreamer isn't amazingly playable without Day dreams and Alps.

That's sort of what I figured.

The main reason why I was wondering between those two is because there are no Alps or Day Dreams on the site and the Vicks box seems to word well with the Freikorps box when looking at the Outcasts forum.

Just to make sure, Ronin are a good choice to get with the Vicks box, right?

The normal deck is normal card, they are black with an single image for each suit for 1-5 and 6-10 then individual images for 11,12,13. They are easy to read and have Weak, Moderate and Severe marked on them so it's easy to work out the damage flip.

The Puppet deck is plastic coated so much more durable, they have individual artwork on every card which are the Puppet pictures of the Masters and their minions, with each suit being one of the main factions and the Red and Black Joker being the Viks. Some people find the numbers and suits hard to read, however you do get used to using them and can tell what you have got from the pictures. They have a parchement base colour.

The puppet deck sounds awesome. I think I'll go with that over the normal one then. Thanks. Edited by Phalanx
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Both of those look pretty fantastic.

In the grand tradition of making a hard wargaming choice, I will have to roll a d6. High for the puppet deck and low for the normal deck.

*rolls d6, getting a "2"*

It looks like I'll be getting a standard Malifaux deck then. :D

They're rather essential.

That's good to hear.

And now to place my order.

Thank you everyone who helped.

And Ratty, you rock.

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I personally think Ronin are good but not essential. It's actually hard to use make Another one. It cost 2 general AP so the remaining Vik has to start her activation in contact with the Ronin to be able to use it, it will also takes her complete activation. This does mean your letting up pressure on the opponent.

However Ronin are perfectly good models in their own right, and well worth taking, but not as essential as people make out.

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Another One requires 2 SS, a Ronin, and a king from one of two suits to get off (or a card from one of two suits and a third SS). From what I understand the Viks use a lot of SS so I can see why that ability wouldn't be useful that often.

How well would Ronin work with Freikorps? I've already mentioned that I have the Freikorps set on order and I know that Taelor and Johann are apparently useful with them, but are Ronin or the Viks good with Freikorps too?

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