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Non "Wargamming Hobbies"

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i dabble in all sorts of things,

but the thing is, if i dont vent my creativity from time to time my head gets like a library full of ideas, and somebody knocked over the cases

so dabbled in some prop and costume design, papercrafting, creative cooking, experimentig, woodworking........


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I have a wife and son, so I am not allowed any other hobbies :)

Just kidding..sorta

Family does take up a lot of my time and its a hobby in itself but other then gaming(which included Wargames, boardgames and RPGs). I do enjoy tinkering with electronics, mostly PC and videogame related stuff. I bought my PS3 broke for 20 bucks and put another 20 bucks into it and fixed it to work good as new. I also have a 4 Player MAME cabinet video game cabinet I put together.

Other then that I am starting to get into carpentry. Mainly as an off shoot of my gaming hobby since Game tables are cheaper to build then make and I got to many books and not enough book shelves.

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Also a fan of drinking, though I know i shouldn't really be saying that out loud round here.

Also fond of fast cars, though I never combine that with the afforementioned hobby.

Though i don't go to any classes any more I do still keep up with martial arts training, loving Capoeira at the moment!

Also play RPGs as well as wargames, and spend a fair bit of time on Xboxlive since it's the most fun way of keeping in touch with my Uni pals when they're not in town.

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Yeah, married with children and a house. What are these hobbies you speak of?

Actually I have many, but little time split between them all. The ones I keep up with are running (triathalon training) and cooking (gotta eat). The ones I want to get back into are paintballing and gardening.

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Paintballing isn't that expensive (shudders) after getting a basic 2nd hand set up about £200 playing isnt that bad, I'd say average of £40 a day for bring your own over here with 2000 paintballs.

Apart from that it's all about the rugby and drinking however I feel like you could probally describe them as war games! Plus fiancée and children.

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I enjoy cutting the eyes out of the pictures of women.

ROFL Having a BA in Criminal Justice and having extensively studied sociopathic behavior I suggest you see a therapist.

I like skateboarding, riding my bicycle and motorbike with my GF. Also like throwing yoyos, search team chubby lovin on YouTube to see what I mean (no I'm not on the team). I also enjoy spin tops. I prefer Deadlands to D&D I've got a game running with my little brother and his friends right now we and we just stumbled into a nest of vampires. I also spend 8 months out of the year on my Halloween costume, last year I was Dr. Horrible. I play upright bass but am a one man band right now. I have been trying to exercise regularly and lately improving my financial position has also taken up quite a bit of time.

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Congradulations, Lalo, for winning the thread. :closed_2:

...for myself, however... well, I collect spores, molds, and fungus.

Do cardgames count as "non-wargaming?" I play Magic. Also V:tES, and Hecatomb, Pimp, Lunch Money, Flux, Yugioh and Pokemon, going back in time in more-or-less that order. I am also an avid roleplayer, although 3.5 and WoD are my favoured flavours. I also have never officially retired one of my characters, Doctor Amos, who has been appearing in every Vampire game I'v run since 199... 6? Somewhere thereabouts.

Incidentally, anyone ever interested in playing a Vampire campaign online....

Edited by Doctor Amos
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Well I'm a LARPer, which you might think is wierd, but any hobby that allows you to get drunk in a field with friends and hit people with weapons (even if they are Latex is good).

I might well play a very McMourning-esk Rodent. Though I don't deal with unliving (much), mainly the altering of living beings, though I am also one of the few Forensic Pathologists in a field of a couple of thousand people.


I also of course like board games like settlers. I also like playing with my balls, by which I mean I do a bit of contact juggling.


I also go to a few Steam punk festivals and like nothing more than messing around with machinery while drinking Gin. Though I've yet to make a Ray gun out of a fruit shoot bottle.

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Iam a larper too!

the pink ribbon isnt normally part of my costume, its the thing that binds us into the world and thus mandatory...


other then that i like a godo boardgame from time to time and am in 2 rpg groups, one DnD3.5 and one Star Wars SAGA

great fun!

ooh and also dont forget my resin crack addiction....:hypnotize

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I used to LARP Vampire. It's... a different animal from fantasy LARPing. Do not ask me to produce pictures on the subject.

I use to harass Vampire LARPs by giving them false information or just asking them which one was Count Chocula.

I was kinda a dick when I was a younger. LARPing still isn't my thing though.

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I use to harass Vampire LARPs by giving them false information or just asking them which one was Count Chocula.

I was kinda a dick when I was a younger. LARPing still isn't my thing though.

The main advantage of Vampire LARPing was, and likely still is, that women actually want to play. And your interactions while playing are more advanced than 'hit with stick, hit with stick.' It was a social game that included a seperate subset of the counterculture and disafected; the goths. Which I was also, briefly, in my time.

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Well we do have quite a lot of girls involved in LARP these days, It's probably around the 30% mark, I think. Including the lovely Tabby as seen in Bizarre Magazine.


Though as she is a cat I feel the need to be very nasty to her when In Character. I think the worse was realising I still had all my magic power for the day and it was about 10 minutes till time out.. So I used a whole days power repeatedly casting fear on her and then chasing after her.. A rat chasing a cat quite amusing. More amusing was how out of shape she was, almost died of a heart attack :)

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So much the better for you. 'Round my parts, when I was playing, we had an Asian-style LARP which had no women (zero), or Vampire which featured the ~30% mark. And, given a choice between all alternatives, I'd probably pick Vampire anyway. Character driven story-arcs versus 'hit with stick' or 'capture flag.' No offense to either genre, of course, just not my thing.

As an extra addendum, I haven't actually played in years. I just remember it fondly.

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