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I am going to set aside levi as I just dont think he is worthwile in my local group so.(yes im sure lots will disagree but moving on) Local playgroup = lots of dreamer and perdita games so I am looking for a master who people find does well vs these 2 masters overall. I have been trying to wait out hoffman but only wyrd knows when we will see him so toss me some ideas who should I play next. Normal play group is 30ss crew. Have thought about picking up ratboy Hamlin being as he looks to be coming out soon.

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I can't speak about Perdita but as a Dreamer payer I find Pandora and Lilith ther toughest of the masters I face regularly.

Lilith crews have the speed to catch withdrawing Day Dreams and transposition is a great way of dissapearing The Dreamers bodyguard. Lilith's also one fo the hardest masters for Chompy to take on.

Pandora's just evil full stop.

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Well Pandora can still beat Perdita and actually I think she wins most of the fights against her. It just requires you not to play the upfront and bold style of Pandora and rely more on your tricks and other abilities. Perdita is still just as helpless as everyone else when Pandora's trigger hits her.

But Lilith is always a great option as you know Tadaka.

Otherwise Ramos is some sexy old man-ness. Constructs are always a blast.

Could go Hamelin like you said or go Gremlins and show up Perdita with your little green Kin models.

What kind of crew/faction do you want to play Tadaka?

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Dreamer and Perdita... that's an interesting pair to try and build a crew against.

One approach might be to go for a crew with great mobility. A fast enough crew should be able to get into melee with Perditas crew where she tends to be weaker. Against Dreamer, you could spread out to prevent him Alpha striking your crew, then pounce on them (Nightmares generally aren't that tough if you can hit them first with enough force).

Personally, I'd take Zoraida (although I always do anyway :rolleyes: ). Against Perdita, Siluirid use their phenomenal speed to hit isolated elements while a Waldgesist could provide mobile cover as needed (assuming forests are available). Against Dreamer, ~2 terror tots would act as a forward skirmish screen. Either Dreamer would hit the Tots, leaving me able to make a counterattack with the rest of my crew, or the Tots would be able to charge in themselves, using Flay to punch above their weight.

Honestly though, you could probably come up with a halfway decent approach to tackling Perdita/Dreamer regardless of which crew you use. Both crews have their strengths, but they're far from being unbeatable.

And never forget the strategies/schemes. You don't necessarilly need to hurt your opponent to win the game. ;)

Edited by Rathnard
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Not realy sure to be honest. My heart lies with levi but I cant take any more of the beatings :P Austringers and nino snipe me and I cant find any way to stop it. Nothing realy calls to to me. I have a ton of crews sitting in boxes I just need to build them. My main things Is I like mobile crews and Crews that are just harder then hell to kill. Eh maby frekorps would work for me. If nothing else I can snipe nino back that way :P

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Yeah, Kirai could definitely work. She's got some good mobility plus those spirits are pretty tough to kill without magic (something neither Perdita nor Dreamer tend to have much of).

Lilith could also work but you do have to be careful with her crew - they're a bit of a glass cannon.

What about Ophelia? Her crew has a natural advantage against Perdita, plus she can take enough spare bodies to act as a buffer against Dreamers Alpha Strike.

As a bonus, Ophelia is an Outcast. If you're playing strictly by the Book 2 rules you can Select Outcasts before flipping for strategy, and choose between Levi and Ophelia later.

Edited by Rathnard
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How about Colette? Her crew is fast, and the majority of it is an absolute bitch to kill as long as you have soulstones. They could probably catch the dreamer before he can alpha-strike you, and with Coryphee's mercurial Perdita is going to have trouble. You could probably engage anything you wanted (nino/austringers) with cassandra on 1st/2nd turn, and WP tests for performers for every attack.

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I wish I could do the show girls but that's a no go. Bought it for my wife as the thought they were cute. Trying to tempt her to work on the models(I shall make a geek of her yet). But I cant build them as that would kill that :) Granted that was o what 5 months ago but I am still trying.

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Well, it's a cop-out answer but you might go with what you like best. I mean, if you're just looking to pound your local group, a net.deck list of whichever rock-paper game is in vogue will do it. But, if you were just looking for a crew that you can have fun with (and, also meaning not get pounded on yourself), then go with what you like first and let the devil take the rest.

But, if that isn't constructive enough, Criid has several nice STFU answer for swarms of things or teleporting/compelled units. "And then I alp-bomb your witchling and.... oh, bother."

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