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Suggestions for terrain?


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Hey, everyone!

It's been a while since I've posted here, but I'm looking for some advice. I recently stumbled upon a post over on the Dakka forums in which the OP was looking for some paintball items in return for some custom terrain.

After searching around for examples of his previous work, I found myself duly impressed. After contacting him, however, I came to the realization that I don't know what I want!

I'd like for some terrain that could be used for both Malifaux and Warmachine, so I suppose a strong steampunk theme would be in order.

Any suggestions?

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Definitely check out hirstarts.com. If you have not heard of hirstarts, they are rubber molds that you fill with plaster to make pieces that you assemble into pretty much anything you want. The molds are really detailed and you can make a lot of crap out of them. The process takes time, but with the right plaster (there is a guide on choosing plaster on the site) the pieces will last a long time.

I go for a generic fantasy look for my terrain (with an nod toward realism), since I play warmahordes, Lord of the rings, and malifaux. The hirstarts pieces work really well for all settings.

Another option is paper models such as those on worldworks.com. These work really well and look great but paper modeling consumes massive amounts of ink (thankfully I have a lot of Mordhiem terrain which works perfectly for malifaux).

Im not sure how much experience you have making terrain, so i hope I did not just rehash a bunch of old info for you. I hope that helps.

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I am a new Unity user and am attempting to model a real-world scene. The area I would like to model is large (3500 m x 3500 m). I have a 16-bit grayscale image to use for the large scale detail such as hills and river valley.

My problem is that there are a couple of areas in the middle of the terrain that I need to model in high detail (say 0.5 m resolution) These features include ditches, sand piles, small ponds and irrigation canals. Since the highest height map resolution allowed is 2049, I don't think that I can do this with a single terrain.


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