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Steampunk Palin

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"Picture in your mind the most insane possible story that could be contained in a book named Steampunk Palin. Go ahead, take ten seconds or so to imagine it perfectly in your mind's eye. Use this cover image for help."



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Frankly this is hilarious. I am from Alaska and everytime i'm out of state I get this...

Other person, "Where are you from?"

Me, "Alaska."

Other person, "Ohhh..Myyyyy...Gaaawwwdd... do you know Sarah Palin?"

Me, "Yes... I can totally see her from my house!"

Other person, -Blank stare.. not quite understanding the joke or that i'm making fun of them."

Me, -Walks off

FU SARAH, F!U! Everyone thinks we're f'n special needs here in Alaska because of her and that stupid f'n show. Sarah Palin's Alaska. You know what would of made that show awesome? If they showed her house on a coast and you could see Russia and the following drama related to it. THAT, kids, would of been amazing!


An angry Alaskan

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Frankly this is hilarious. I am from Alaska and everytime i'm out of state I get this...

. . .


An angry Alaskan

I once read an article on how Sarah Palin became Governor of Alaska. Apparently she worked for and helped the previous Governor of Alaska get elected which is how she presumably got her political connections, knowledge of how to campaign and perform the job of Governor.

Palin then "realized" that she was pro-life while he was pro-choice so she took the proverbial knife, stabbed him in the back, turned the blade counter clockwise 90 degrees, ran against him on this one issue, and won.

As opposition many people seem to find her laughable. However, based on her past behavior I find her to be an imminent untrustworthy underling who will eventually rise up by cutting down those who would help her gain power solely so she could gain more power once they have helped her as much as they possibly can. I am from Arizona and have to live with the fact that John McCain choose her as his running mate.

<insert "Please don't be on my side, you make my side look bad!" image here.>


A sympathetic Arizonan.

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Tell me I'm not the only person who was looking forward to a steampunk version of around the world in 80 days with Michael palin when I saw the thread title.

Any Brits with me? Anybody....

I'm sorry, our (potential) leaders are just a mite crazier than yours. Maybe next time.

On a tangentially related note, I'm consistantly surprised at how much you Brits get into the whole cowboy thing with Malifaux.

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I'm sorry, our (potential) leaders are just a mite crazier than yours. Maybe next time.

On a tangentially related note, I'm consistantly surprised at how much you Brits get into the whole cowboy thing with Malifaux.

You would also be amazed at how much we are into the confederates as well. I know from chatting to Americans they are largely vilified or linked to slavery. However over here we have a slightly different view of the matter. I think there is something about a determined underdog which wants to keep independence that the British identify with, But you find that most counter cultures start over here, Goth, Punk, Steampunk, Techo. I think there is something about the British that makes us want to rebel rather that try to conform.

Also Mal from Firefly is obviously a confederate and he is so cool.

Edited by Ratty
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