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Lady J's Avatar Form


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  • 2 months later...

I kind of like the idea of the Avatars being an in game upgrade that your Master can attain somehow. So something like, stuff happens and you replace your master with the Avatar model sort of thing. I think this could be a cool addition to the game because if there is something or other you have to do, particularly if that thing is not optimal, players have to make a choice that says "Do I do what I need to in order to transform or do I do what I want to do with my Master at the current time?"

I hope it is not like "Epic" versions of the masters that you can field instead of them. That's getting too close to another game I play.

Lady Justice's avatar form is a hard one to pick, I mean, i instinctively lean towards a sort of "unnatural gets abolished" type of thing, so, having her possess abilities that wipe out undead, constructs, neverborn and the like. Basically a form that says: If you're not human, you're in trouble but I have a feeling that isn't what she's going to be.

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Oooo...I have an interesting idea for the avatar form being achieved.

Drain the soul of a ..say 6SS or more minion.instead of getting a SS,you get to shift into avatar form.

It would make it something you could directly control,but...would mean it was detrimental on several levels and made you consider strongly the value of doing it.

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Here's a question, and remember I'm a noob (sorry if its a dumb one). Will her death in the fluff, or other characters in the future, make their ability to lead a crew null and void as the rulebooks and fluff progress? Just curious; maybe this is the angle the avatar form will take? Again, noob who didn't read the whole thread...I'm scolding myself as I hit the post button...

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