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Local Podcast on Malifaux

Larkin Vain

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Can I blatantly plug my own show? :decision:

My name's Matthew and I'm one of the hosts for the show, League of eXtraordinary Geeks. We do shows based on comics, movies, tabletop gaming, and hardcore pornography. One of those might be a lie.

Might be.

It's been pretty crazy the sudden speed that Malifaux has caught fire in the Honolulu gaming meta, so we wanted to do a show about a few of us finding the game, our first impressions, and initial experiences.

We'd love to hear from the forums on future topics as I'm sure Malifaux will be worked into the show's topics fairly regularly.


Matthew of the LXG

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@ imakereality... I checked out your photos on facebook, and guess what ? I've been to the shop you guys play at ! OK, maybe that doesn't sound that impressive, but considering I am based in the UK, I think it is.

I was over on holiday in September and I dropped by the store on a monday looking for a game... apparently I came in on the wrong monday of the month, as your resident Malifaux player wasn't about that week - It is good to see that things have picked up since then !

And now I have another excuse to go back to Hawaii :)

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@Buck Dog Glad you could make it out to our tiny rock in the ocean! If you can ever find your way back, we'll try to set up a game. (Step 1, I announce I'll probably be playing Guild.)

Thanks everyone for giving it a listen. Like I said, its our first primer on the game as we hash it all out in our local Greenhorn League (Gensuke626 on the forums here AKA "other Matt" on the episode championed the game), and we'll be coming back to it a lot, I'm sure. Questions/comments/show topic ideas always welcome, too.

Now for a thorough reading of the FAQ/Rules threads so I don't ask stupid questions here...

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Nix's Podcast features a Malifaux section every episode, and episode 22 is completely Malifaux with the greatest guest host any show has ever had ever.

Well then, I'd better give it a listen, too!

Question: I don't suppose anywhere on the site is a directory of podcasts/blog/vlogs/etc that talk Malifaux? That might be a cool list to see and get updated...

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