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Campaigning in Malifaux and "Injuries Chart"


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I LOVE this game! It reminds me more than a bit of Mordheim, another one of my favorite skirmish game and IMHO the best game GW ever released...

I think Malifaux would lend it self VERY nicely to some on going campaign driven adventure storylines... for example:

1. Each Crew would start with an agreed upon soul stone count, to be used to hire models or have a cache

2. During each game objectives could be soul stone "counters" used in following games to either "hire" more crew or add to a Master's cache

For those that played Mordheim I think they would agree the most fun was after the game when you found out what happened to the models from your "Crew" that were removed from play during the game by rolling on the "Hero's Serious Injury Chart" I'm sure "we" or Wyrd could come up with something like that would represent the same kind of effects... for example a model could get "Hard to Wound" from being hardened to the experiences of Malifaux or suffer the effects of -1AP because of some grevious injury... This would let folks add some character to their warbands and develop a bit of a unique flavor in their games.

What 'da ya'll think?

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Personnaly I would love this...but there is one major differance between GW games and Malifaux. GW is all stat heavy games. you have what...8 or 9 stats on the stat line, whereas Malifaux has what...5? so unless you are going to add in decreases and increases to Abilities, Triggers, Actions and Spells im not sure there would be that much of a impact on the game.

if it could be made to work...geat thing...however I have a feeling its a bit more complicated than it sounds

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Personnaly I would love this...but there is one major differance between GW games and Malifaux. GW is all stat heavy games. you have what...8 or 9 stats on the stat line, whereas Malifaux has what...5? so unless you are going to add in decreases and increases to Abilities, Triggers, Actions and Spells im not sure there would be that much of a impact on the game.

Isn't it quite the contrary?

If you change any of the stats it's going to matter alot..

Anyway, this's been discussed before and it ran out in the sand, personally I don't see this sort of system working with normal Malifaux factions/masters.

Injuries might be okay, but noone wants to see Perdita suddenly gain +1 Df or Pandora with +1 Wp and random abilities might also turn out crazy.

I think it'd be awesome for a spin-off in some subarea of the whole Malifaux setting though, like.. Gremlin tribes fighting each other for supremacy of the.. bogs.. Or rivaling smuggling groups hiding from both the Guild and the Arcanists while fighting between each other for control of the smaller temporary breaches. Or rivaling criminal groups trying to take control of a frontier city far enough away from Malifaux for the Guild not to bother with it.

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I think it'd be awesome for a spin-off in some subarea of the whole Malifaux setting though, like.. Gremlin tribes fighting each other for supremacy of the.. bogs.. Or rivaling smuggling groups hiding from both the Guild and the Arcanists while fighting between each other for control of the smaller temporary breaches. Or rivaling criminal groups trying to take control of a frontier city far enough away from Malifaux for the Guild not to bother with it.

This makes a lot of sense, and if a nice eloquent set of rules were there, the possibilities would be almost endless given Malifaux's unique setting.

Although I too remember the thread where there was talk of trying to create such a system.

Edited by Chucklemonkey
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My knee jerk reaction is this is a great idea and I would love to be a part of it. I don't think utilizing soulstones outright is good given certain factions that can "produce them from thin air" I'm looking at you Collette! I would make it games to earn Scrip which can be used straight up for items ect or to buy soulstones. It becomes quite a complex system to design but it would be fun to do. I agree an injury system is the easiest to impliment if you use "regular" Malifaux. I mean a intrim fix might be to pick a master (who can't be augmented and make the rest a purchase/can be augmented) I would like to process this idea abit more and come back to it after thinking of it for a bit. Really like this idea and was mildy disappointed to see the other posting sort of fizzle out.

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I think it could work. Rather than trying to work with a limited pool of models, I would adapt it to the normal gameplay of Malifaux. Perhaps you choose a Master, and then build a 60-80SS crew. This is your force for the campaign. In any given scrap, you select 25-30SS worth of models from your overall crew and fight it out. "Generic" models such as Guild Guards, Silent Ones, and Rotten Belles do not gain any benefits from successful missions, but they can be replaced if they are killed. Characters who survive missions gains bonus points which can be used to alter gameplay. I'm thinking something like each point can be used once per game to increase any base stat or ability by +1. So Rasputina has three points, and she sees a target that she simply cannot afford to miss, so she spends all three points for a 10CA for that Cast, and afterward plays as normal until the beginning of the next encounter. Or Taelor has 2 points and uses them to improve Hard to Wound to 3 to attempt to soften a potentially vicious blow. Such characters would be balanced by various penalties when they fall in battle. I've never played Mordhiem, but flipping on a chart that ranges from stat loss to death would be interesting, and I'd really like the circumstances of their defeat to play a strong part in the result. A model removed from play because it was devoured by cats or rats really should be dead. Someone who was hit by a Red Joker + Severe flip from the .50 cal should probably be dead. Or at least sitting out several games and then coming back with some nice penalties. To deal with the Resserectionists, I would say that characters do not become corpse counters, unless it is one of the Resser's own models and they choose for it to become one, in which case said character is dead. This shouldn't be too bad, as the danger of permanently losing characters should lead to more generics being deployed as cannon fodder.

The biggest thing that needs development I think is how scenarios will be chosen. Will there be a campaign map? How are opponents selected?

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