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electrical creations?


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I never realized before electrical creations are unique.. I ended up buying 3 of them before i noticed. once i found out I sold one to one of my friends and told him about them being unique, and he and another player still believe you can run more than one of them at a time. Arent you allowed only 1 of any unique model? and if you have 1 in play and summon another doesn't the other one disappear?

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Don't have my book handy, but I believe there are some summonable models that have language that allows you to summon new ones and remove the old ones but not all summonable models have that language. Check the main book rule on summoning at the end of the rules section and follow the language on the card.

Since I don't have my book handy I could easily be wrong, it does happen occasionally. :)

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Yeah, stuff like the Voodoo doll allows you to summon a new one and the old one disappears. But that's because it specifically says so. With the Electrical Creation, you could cast the spell to summon one, but if you already have one on the table, then the spell would fizzle, and nothing would happen, even if you beat the cast total.

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Remember, the Unique characteristic on a model means each crew/player may have no more than one of that model in play at one time.

There is an oddball case where you could have your Electrical Creation buried by an opponent so while your Electrical Creation is buried it is not in play and you may summon another one because the first one is currently not in play.

However, you have summoned a second Electrical Creation and it is in play when the first Electrical Creation becomes unburied then it won't return to play due to Electrical Creation being Unique. (The one in play stays, the one attempting to return to play does not return to play).

Even in this oddball case you only need one Unique model because you may only have one in play at a time.

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