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Graverobber For Hire


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Hello! Tell you what, I love me some Boris Karloff, and I especially love me some Boris Karloff in The Body Snatcher (as well as Bela Lugosi in White Zombie). I'd known about the game for a while now, but none of the figures I saw the people at the hobby store playing with looked appealing, I guess I just wasn't looking hard enough, because a friend of mine had me take a good long look at the rule book. I've always had a great interest in the profession of grave robbing, and I've also had a great interest in Necromancy, low and behold the two were sitting right there hand-in-hand.

I did my research, I know the Nicodem is a poor Master to start out with, but he was the only one that really spoke to me. So at that end of this week, I will have in my possession the Undertaker crew box, a vulture, and three mindless zombies. It's what I can afford at the moment. And boy, I've got my eye on getting one of those three-headed undead monstrosities from the new book. Mmmhmm. That'll cause some damage.

Your Shoveler-In-Arms,


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Good day to you sir. Glad to see someone else jump on board.

I don't think Nico is judged as bad to start with per se, just that you need a few extra bits and bobs to make him work to his best. Bits and bobs that you have already started getting with the Vulture and MZ.

Good luck.

Like I said, I did my research-and I plan on picking up some more zombies, and some crooked men to boot. Free labor with the side affect of deadly cave-ins, what's not to like?

Welcome on board !

I have yet to face off against Nico, but from what I have read he looks like he could be a real challenge to beat when played correctly. I am sure you will have a lot of fun together !

Yes, I think this will be a wonderful partnership. I really don't think I'll play any other Masters, unless they publish the Malifaux version of the malicious resurrectionist Gray (Boris Karloff as before mentioned).

Thank you both for the warm welcome.

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Welcome aboard! I think Nicodem is a fine choice especially if you are a Karloff fan.

My son runs a Nicodem crew and with the addition of just a couple blisters of Mindless Zombies and a Canine Remains or two you can run a seriously dangerous game. The Punk Zombies are combat monsters and now that Mortimer can cheat Exhume flips corpse counters will come that much easier.

Edited by The Green Git
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Welcome to Wyrd ... interesting profession. :)

Interesting and mostly profitable!

I do recommend aquiring more bobs, but I might leave the bits to McMourning. He does so love the bits.

No kidding.

Welcome aboard! I think Nicodem is a fine choice especially if you are a Karloff fan.

My son runs a Nicodem crew and with the addition of just a couple blisters of Mindless Zombies and a Canine Remains or two you can run a seriously dangerous game. The Punk Zombies are combat monsters and now that Mortimer can cheat Exhume flips corpse counters will come that much easier.

Yeah, the more I read about the Undertaker's Lot box, the happier I become with it. I've always been a fan of buffing/debuffing, and what do you know: Mortimer and Nicodem are masters at it.

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Welcome! It sounds like Nicodem is perfect judging by your interests. Like others mentioned, he isn't a bad one to start with, just due to his habit of summoning lots of things, you end up needing lots of extra things for him to summon. But that also means that in game he has quite a lot of options, and can adapt to what's happening in game rather well.

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