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Basing the Girls


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Use coffee stirrers (wooden ones). You can probably acquire some for free at starbucks or buy a big bag cheap at a craft store. You can make the "planks" thinner by using a small saw, and putting some extra cuts in. Use an exacto knife to split the planks up widthwise (only saw lengthwise). And use a pen to press in some nail holes at the ends of the planks. Let me see if I can get a pic up here.

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I make a modified version of GirlPainting's

to make a floor out of Green Stuff that looked like floor boards. Instead of marking cobble stone sized bricks I made them longer so they look more like floorboards and used a plastic card (it was a sample Credit Card I was mailed) to make the lines straight.

I don't know what paint to use for it though. . .

I used a sculpting tool I got from my LGS to mark the lines and some non-latex gloves to keep fingerprints from forming.

I think GirlPainting uses a Pin Vice, Music Wire (or something like a paper clip), and glue to pin the miniature in, but I just like cutting most of the tab from the bottom of the miniature except for right below the feet and I just stick them into the green stuff once I have the surface sculpted. You just gotta aim the tabs to go through the slot on the 30mm & 40mm bases.

If you have trouble finding the slots for the tabs you can take a pin or some other thin shaft of metal, dip into water, and push up though the slot while twisting from the bottom. Do this twice, with the width between the two holes about the distance between the two parts of the tabs. This gives you holes on the other side which gives you an idea of where to push the tabbed feet though. Some models have the feet together so you just have one tab to deal with.

TheWarStore have Planked Bases, but are currently out-of-stock. Other places may have something similar or better so look around.

Edited by MrNybbles
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