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Tiny's Trip around Malifaux


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OK finally finished taelor, was a bit of slow going when i couldn't decide on a paint scheme, not really happy with her but i dont think she looks that bad the photos took out a few of the high lights in the hair and made the eyes look manky :S



Here's what the crew is looking like so far:


and here's whats next:


As always comments and criticisms appreciated and encouraged.


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So here's the latest installment for some reason it made my denim look weird in the picture it doesnt look that bad irl but anyway here goes:



And next in line is my good mate hamelin, His base is done just need to do him and nix


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the kind words foerender i'll try and keep it coming

Here's what i've done so far. Its just base coated atm, the only thing thats close to being done is the blending on the patches and the sash around her waist. Its got around 5 or 6 blends but the photo is too dark to see. Not the best photos but it'll do until i finish!



Not the best photos as i've said but as always comments and criticism appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

Finally uncapped so here's where im at with the hamelin crew:


Honestly the pictures dont do them justice (IMHO) it was weird i started off liking the catcher with the box more then after painting them the bald one was a joy to paint.

Next up is nix, here's a sneak peak, the grey will be worked up to a white so really going to make him as much of a spirit as i can. He's definitely one of the best models ive seen from wyrd.



As always id love to hear comments and criticisms!

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I can see how much fun you had with the bald guy he looks fantastic! I think my only suggestion would be something I've been practicing more lately too, and that's the lighting source on the girl. At the moment she has light hitting from a lot of different angles and imo it gives a model a more realistic look if you pick one way it's hitting and shade accordingly. Otherwise fantastic blending and the skin looks amazing. Can't wait to see Nix finished!

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@jay, thanks alot mate! Always looking forward to more of your work.

@jaslyne, great advice, i think thats something i definitely need to work on, it didnt help that i ran out of motivation midway through painting her but its definitely something i need to keep in my mind, thanks!

@regnak, thanks alot mate, any questions about anything just ask, im by no means a good painter but happy to share what ive learnt.

Here's nix, i really tried to exaggerate the spectral dog that he is. Let me know what you think:




He has to be one of the best models i've painted from wyrd, great sculpt!

As always hit me with comments and criticisms!

Thanks for looking.

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tiny sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet very high standard im going to have to lift my painting higher to keep up with you man. only thing and it's just me the eye's need a tad more done to make them look like they are glowing.do you get down to hall of hero's seeing you are in sydney?

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I keep hearing about this Hall of Heroes Where is it?

it's at cambelltown queen's st great shop has all your wyrd stuff coolmini stuff gw and every thing in between and a heap of gameing tables, ozpainter's meet up their the last saterday of every month but anyone is more than welcome to come and join in. they have a web site

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I haven't been there yet, im supposed to be running some demo games for the owner (mark?) because he wants to get into malifaux and pump it out. Might have to head over there soon though.

I've met Paul from aetherworks he's who makes the tokens i give away for my tournies. And i think last time i was there i met Andrew.

I really have to learn how to do osl, but i get so scared after i spend a5 or so hours on a paint job that im going to ruin it. Any tips? Cheers again for the positive feedback, next up is 6 stolen.

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Ahh Campbelltown is a bit far away for me... it takes me an hour to get to Sylvania when I go to Tiny's Tournaments heh

For the OSL I've attempted at I've just started with a light drybrush around the area I wanted to do it and then pick out the closer parts to get a brighter light nearer the source.

Have a look at what Ron does over at From the Warp here and search for his other articles too.

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OSL tricky ive tryed the drybrush way far to messy for me your better off painting it on just work it out slowly to where you think it should go and start with a darker shade and work it up from their...and you need to go to hoh for a look great place.i'll pm you a pic of the osl i did so i dont block up your thead

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