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I am looking at playing a Somer tooth crew but want to go Pig heavy (I love the idea of the Taxidermist) and I was wondering what people think works in these crews? I am lookibng around the 35ss level and I am going to get the Jones box and the taxidermist but wondering where to go from there.

I imagin that a few boyeu gremlins is a must for jones and the wisperer looks good but if I have a taxidermist will that be too much on support for 35ss.

Thank you in advance for you help

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You do need to be careful about letting the stampede loose, though. (Remember that a stampeding pig goes after the nearest non-pig model, whichever side it's on.)

I'd take at least a couple of regular Gremlins for Som'er to do Git Yer Bro with. Then you can give 'em a swig to heal up (creating expendable fire support), or have Som'er or the Taxidermist kill them in melee. If Som'er does it, you can get Piglets (with Come and Get It), or just leave a corpse counter for the Taxidermist to make Stuffed Piglets with.

Don't forget you can also have the Taxidermist run around making Stuffed Piglets of corpse counter all over the board. You have to be careful he doesn't get nailed by the opposition while doing this, but it's great for annoying Ressurectionist opponents.

BTW: If you've got a Taxidermist, don't rule out deploying a Pigapult. Great fun.

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Think about taking a hog whisperer or two. They're not unique and there are some neat tricks you can pull with them. Like deploying two of them 24 inches apart so all friendly pigs on your side of the table can gain flight when they cast never happen. That one would be great for rapidly moving the whole herd of swine beyond LoS and eight inches while ignoring terrain or capturing objectives on turn one.

If you're looking for something more conventionally aggressive, pairing up a hog whisperer with a warpig works really well. Between sooeet nothin's and the warpig's own healing abilities it's nearly indestructible and can use reckless every turn for an extra action.

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I still maintain that the mosquitoes are one of the best models (statwise, not lookswise) in the game. They only cost 2 points, let you force your opponent to discard basically their entire hand, and you can always make more of them. Make sure you get 4 of the mini's, but only start with 1 or 2 on the table and summon in more and heal them up to full and send them off.

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I still maintain that the mosquitoes are one of the best models (statwise, not lookswise) in the game. They only cost 2 points, let you force your opponent to discard basically their entire hand, and you can always make more of them. Make sure you get 4 of the mini's, but only start with 1 or 2 on the table and summon in more and heal them up to full and send them off.

I agree on this. Mosqitoes are essential for every strategy with Som'er.

Be it for guiding your pigs, continually draining your opponents hand or using Pull My Finger for some nasty irresistible damage - great utility.

I'd always start with only one though and then sacrifice your Gremlins to get more, gives you cards from Survival of the Fittest that way (which is GOO-d). Oh and bring a Rat aswell to heal your Mosqitos, should work wonders.

I don't know much about pig lists in general though. Sorry :(

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Thanks for the advice. So if I have a rat, a Mosqitoe and a gremlin I could use get your bro, then larva on the new gremlin and then lava on the rat to have 3 Mosqitoes all healed up to 5 wounds from the rat dieing and a gremlin (that can be healed with Jones)

troble I am having is that I run out of room very quickly for pigs.

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Thanks for the advice. So if I have a rat, a Mosqitoe and a gremlin I could use get your bro, then larva on the new gremlin and then lava on the rat to have 3 Mosqitoes all healed up to 5 wounds from the rat dieing and a gremlin (that can be healed with Jones)

troble I am having is that I run out of room very quickly for pigs.

I don't have time to look right now, but I believe I saw somewhere that Larva is going to be errated to only work on friendly gremlins.

Could someone else confirm/deny this?

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for my gremlin tourney force, i took:



Slop Hauler

2x Warpigs


Warpigs and Whisperer on one flank behind cover (closest flank to enemy), the rest on the other flank in cover, one gremlin by Som'er, the hauler within 2".

Whisperer does "It'll Never Happen" followed by "stick 'im inna ass" on each warpig.

Som'er "getcher bro", take a swig, "getcher bro" for 2 new gremlins, all 4 taking wounds.

the Slop hauler feeds all for healing flip on each.

Warpigs do 2 moves straight in to the opponents force and each will stampede on it's second activation for 2 pig charges each directly into the opponent :D

Whisperer heads back to Som'er and this forms a gremlin production factory, send the gremlins off in pairs to do objective work and shoot stuff (if all the gremlins are out of LoS!)

i'm tempted to take a second hauler (inplace of the Whisperer) to sacrifice to give the two pigs reactivate, but they lose Flight then :(

worked quite well, bar a mass of black jokers for damage on my part and the Whisperer failing to Stick the pigs :lol:

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I still maintain that the mosquitoes are one of the best models (statwise, not lookswise) in the game. They only cost 2 points, let you force your opponent to discard basically their entire hand, and you can always make more of them. Make sure you get 4 of the mini's, but only start with 1 or 2 on the table and summon in more and heal them up to full and send them off.

You can get a great Giant Waspquito model as an alternate sculpt for the skeeters from Heresy Miniatures. You have to special order them though, they don't normally stock them due to some minor mould problems. But I ordered two blisters and can vouch that they're solid models, even with little bits of extra flashing.

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You can get a great Giant Waspquito model as an alternate sculpt for the skeeters from Heresy Miniatures. You have to special order them though, they don't normally stock them due to some minor mould problems. But I ordered two blisters and can vouch that they're solid models, even with little bits of extra flashing.

ace, do you have any picks?

@omen, thank you for that it was some good reading.

at the mo thinking of



2 gremlins

hog wisperer


4 piglets

slop hauler

with the healing of the hauler I can summon ang heal a lot of guys a turn.

wisperer for pig reactivation and flying pigs.

I think it could be fun!

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ace, do you have any picks?

I do, at home. Though they are not of the highest quality. I'll see what I can do about that.

Edit: Here they are, as I said they are not the greatest quality.

Here is one of just the skeeter so you can see a bit of detail:


And here is one with the rest of the crew so you can see how they look together:


Edited by Darguth
Added pics
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