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WIP log - Lady Justice and Rasputina


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Hi everyone, first time posting here, wonderful forum with nice pictures which inspired me to finally take pictures of my own miniatures and put up a log here. I've to say that there is a lot of painters here who are really good, but I'm still pretty proud over my own, I feel like I've finally reached a level were my miniatures are tapletop+ quality.

Next on my list of purchases are probably Seamus and Viktorias, but after reading the rules for Leveticus he seems very interesting, we'll see in due time what I'll get.

Right then, pictures. (I notice now after playing around with the pics that my camera is like way to good, Judge's cloak is pretty well blended in real life. Will post some pics of the Marshalls backs, since their cloaks is the well painted part on them.)








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IMG_9643.jpgIamwyrd: I agree, the "standard" colors of the rulebook is usually my favorite, although some people here have done some look very nice in their own color scheme. And thanks for the kind words, I was proud of how Judge came out so hearing that someone else enjoyed him makes me very happy.

After equipping myself with my camera and an old photobucket account I was more than ready to take some more pictures. I'll say it again though, I think my camera is a bit too "good", it mercilessly shows everything making most of them (in my opinion) look a bit sloppy. Let's get on with the pictures anyway.






Rasputina is still WIP, I'm thinking of doing a wash of white on the blue to dull down the shadows a bit, right now they stick out a bit too much in my opinion.

Comments and criticism is welcome, just don't tear me into pieces alright? ;)

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At this rate I'll end up having a lot of posts in a row by me, but that's fine too, doing ten posts in a row is pretty cool.

More pictures of Rasputina, she's not completely done yet, but I'm getting there, her bag is to be painted black today, and after that it's mostly the skin that's left, maybe I'll add some small purple shadows when I get my purple color, we'll see.





After uploading them I realize that the pictures might have been taken too far away from the miniature, oh well, I'll make sure to get better photos next time (hopefully).

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Good job on these. I hear ya on spotting flaws in the photos and then factor in the image magnifying the model it looks really different. I'm in the process of working on my Lady J box too but it'll be on hold as I'm out of town for a week come tomorrow. Keep up the good work.

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Good job on these. I hear ya on spotting flaws in the photos and then factor in the image magnifying the model it looks really different. I'm in the process of working on my Lady J box too but it'll be on hold as I'm out of town for a week come tomorrow. Keep up the good work.

Thank you for the praise, I'll look forward to wathcing your Lady J then, I havn't seen a lot of Lady J logs, so more is all the better. Personally I'm thinking of painting mine after the rulebook picture, any plans for your own so far (I realize you won't see this message until you get back, but still)?

Started to paint, and finished, my big ice guy, used the painting method although not the same paints (becuase I didn't have them) as in the Wyrd Magazine #1. Just waiting for my water effect I ordered a few days ago so I can hopefully do some cool looking frozen water.

Very fun model to paint, and fast too, him being the same color all over the body and all. I've been thinking about repainting my gamins, I got the time since it's weekend now and they're pretty small.

Enjoy the pictures, they actually came out pretty well.






As usual I find some spots that needs to be retouched, but I'll work that out, need some better coverage of white on some places. Comments and criticism welcome.

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Your minis look great, especially the guild minis.

The only critique that I would make: The Ice Golem looks like the white is a little too heavy or... blocky? (searching for the right word). Maybe it just looks like the whites lines are a little too thick? Hard for me to say because I am so horrible with white. The Golem looks good mind you.. but I think you can make it look better, because your other minis are a step ahead of it in my little unskilled opinion.

Keep the pics coming!

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Your minis look great, especially the guild minis.

The only critique that I would make: The Ice Golem looks like the white is a little too heavy or... blocky? (searching for the right word). Maybe it just looks like the whites lines are a little too thick? Hard for me to say because I am so horrible with white. The Golem looks good mind you.. but I think you can make it look better, because your other minis are a step ahead of it in my little unskilled opinion.

Keep the pics coming!

Thanks for the comment and criticism, and I found myself to agree on your point regarding the "chunkyness" of the Golems white color, I thus tried to use washes to blend, but in the end I screwed up and found myself to repaint the whole Golem, woo go me.

Golem v2 front:



Golem back:


I gave up on trying to make the ass look good, because it's most likely cursed, it's odd form is just giving me a headache (and I don't need that, I'm already sick). Never the less he looks a bit better than the pics show (bad lightning probably), I'm probably going to put another white layer though, and then I'm finished with him. It's not so much new compared to the last one (a bit greener shadows) but I still wanted to put it in my project log for a sense of completion.

Rasputina is next up to be finished, will probably finish her today or tomorrow.

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I agree, you made a huge improvement on the golem. I find it tough to re-paint models I've already painted, but I think when trying to improve on techniques there's probably more to be learned in painting a model twice (or two similar models one after the other). Well done!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thank you for the praise, I'll look forward to wathcing your Lady J then, I havn't seen a lot of Lady J logs, so more is all the better. Personally I'm thinking of painting mine after the rulebook picture, any plans for your own so far (I realize you won't see this message until you get back, but still)?

Started to paint, and finished, my big ice guy, used the painting method although not the same paints (becuase I didn't have them) as in the Wyrd Magazine #1. Just waiting for my water effect I ordered a few days ago so I can hopefully do some cool looking frozen water.

Very fun model to paint, and fast too, him being the same color all over the body and all. I've been thinking about repainting my gamins, I got the time since it's weekend now and they're pretty small.

Enjoy the pictures, they actually came out pretty well.






As usual I find some spots that needs to be retouched, but I'll work that out, need some better coverage of white on some places. Comments and criticism welcome.

Looking good on the Iceman!

As for my crew, I've posted a thread on the Judge and Marshals. No 100% sure on how I want to paint Lady J herself. I personally would want to use an alternate colour scheme from the studio's. I'd like white but realize that white's just a pain in the butt colour to work with. But who knows, maybe. If not that then a predominantly red scheme could happen.

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