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Good day,

My name is Gerry and though I haven't actaully played a game yet I am very intrigued by Malifaux.

I have several crews already and both books and am hoping to get my first game in shortly.

Unfortunatly I live about 2 1/2 hours away from the closest LGS and don't usually have much time when I am in the area.

The system is great and from what I have seen the staff is quick to answer question that are brought up.

Thank you,

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Welcome aboard.

Glad you are interested in malifaux. I'm sure after your first game/runthrough, you will enjoy it as much as I am addicted to it. ;P

If you have Any questions feel free to post them or you can pm me if you need a question answered straight away as I do everything from my phone and it never leaves my side. Lol

So welcome again, and enjoy the game.


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Welcome! Sounds like you're set with crews to get into the game, as well as any friends who will play. I think one of the nice things about Malifaux is the ability for one person to get enough minis for both sides for less than half an army of another game, that's the evil plan ;)

Glad to have you on the forums as well!

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