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Eat (almost) anything

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The other day during a game with McMourning I was considering using the eat anything ability on the warpig when I realized the rule does not mention bodypart countters but only corpse and scrap counters. I have an older version of the card so I am wondering if there has been an erratta change or if this choice is intentional. Deep down I guess I would just love to have my warpigs able to eat bodypart eye and blood counters as well.

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Not sure if either you or your opponent are not understanding the counters.

If you are playing against McMourning and his crew kill something, it is still a corpse counter that drops on the table. They are only converted to body part counters when picked up by McMourning and his crew.

Blood and eye counters - and blight counters IIRC - are again slightly different in that they never fall on to the table but are collected by a models inherent abilities. As such, the only counters that could be on the ground are scrap and corpse - including counters on the ground when playing McM - and so the Warpig's abilities remain useful against him.

If I have mis-read your question then please explain further and i'm sure I or someone more familiar with Gremlins - i'm coming at this from a McM player's perspective - will be along to help.

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Yea.. Blood and Eyes are carried and aren't on the models with them.. The clarification about this is on the pages with new rules in Book2 - even though they claim it not to be new for some reason.. xD

You are right that for the most of the time you won't actually be placing any eye counters, Coppelius could be fielded on both sides of the table though in which case you'd have to.

Anyway.. RAW-wise you can only consume Corpse and Scrap counters with Eat Anything.. That is V1 anyway, haven't seen the newest card.

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That is kind of what im hoping would change with the v2 cards. It somewhat doesn't make sense that they eat only scrap and corpse counters but not body or eye counters etc. They all are counters (with the exception of burning, poison, and blight counters) that function in that they can be dropped and are placed in the board.

One other question: if I use eat anything does the warpig eat counters carried on models? Ie scrap counters ramos may be carrying?

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That is kind of what im hoping would change with the v2 cards. It somewhat doesn't make sense that they eat only scrap and corpse counters but not body or eye counters etc. They all are counters (with the exception of burning, poison, and blight counters) that function in that they can be dropped and are placed in the board.

One other question: if I use eat anything does the warpig eat counters carried on models? Ie scrap counters ramos may be carrying?

Some misconceptions I've noticed:

1. You say the body part counters are like any other counters that are placed or can be dropped on the table (normally).

That is total misunderstanding. Almost NO COUNTERS in this game CAN be placed on the table, dropped or passed to another character. The only exception are Body Counters and Scrap Counters (and that is why Eat Anything is limited to these two - see point 2).

All other counters are carried by models that obtained them and dropped only in case of the model's death.

2. One model cannot use in any way counters carried by another model. Even if they are friendly. There are only few exceptions to that, and they are always indicated by the wording of the spell/ability. Neverborn Grow/Mature spells for example.

Lady J's Last Rites, Pigs' Eat Anything etc. all affect only counters on the table, never those carried by other models.

On a separate note, sometimes models themselves count as counters (Midless Zombies). You can eat those.

3. Models that cannot use counters, cannot pick them up (worth remembering if your opponent tries to pick up counters to protect them from your pig).

Either way, the basic rules for counters are on page 24-25. I suggest you re-read them and remember them well - Eat Anything is kind of spell that requires deeper understanding of this section, because it's easy to go completely off on how to play it and many opponents may remember the rules poorly and object to what you do (so you need to be able to point them to the exact wording.).

Edited by Q'iq'el
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3. Models that cannot use counters, cannot pick them up (worth remembering if your opponent tries to pick up counters to protect them from your pig).

There were arguments about that. Lilith can't use blood counters, but she can pick them up. There were several threads about it and the rulings by the Marshalls weren't really clear. The two arguments about why she could pick them up were that she either #1: can pick them up because she can generate them, or #2: can pick them up because other nephilim can use them off of her.

Never really got resolved to my knowledge.

Regardless of why, however, the Marshalls ruled that she can pick them up. (It did leave unresolved the question of whether a Doppelganger copying an ability to generate counters lets it pick up that type of counters, but I've still yet to run into that in a game).

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#1: can pick them up because she can generate them, or #2: can pick them up because other nephilim can use them off of her.

As far as I'm concerned, having a spell that generates counters means using counters (counters are objects you use to mark certain amount of blood obtained by her). I feel people sometimes go too deep into the virtual reality with their interpretations. :D

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