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What's better than a bunch of green hillbillies drinking moonshine and herding pigs? Green hillbillies launching explosive pigs using bayou-built siege engines :)

Since there is no Pigapult model (yet), I came up with this. I considered a trebuchet first, and then a Roman-style catapult, but this felt to me like what Gremlins would come up with. A giant swamp slingshot. The user ratchets the seat back with the lever and, when he's ready to go, janks the lever out and - wooooof! - off he goes!


I will try and get it painted over the weekend.

There's Ophelia, for scale. The bases are Black Cat Swamp Bases.

I got the inspiration for using plasticard to make wood from this video - [ame]


Scoring strips of plasticard with a razorsaw is a wonderful idea, and produces quick and effective results. You can make the wood look properly bayou by cutting the strips unevenly, trimming the edges unevenly and cutting notches and splits in the ends.

I tried string for the rope, but it was too large, so I stripped some braided wire, twisted that and used it. Superglue holds it in place.

The bungee cord is a simple strip of precut, thin plasticard.

Edited by Sholto
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Looks really cool! :D More of a sling than a catapult, but hey - who'd expect a Gremlin to be able to tell the difference! I love the amount of small details in it.

Poorly its has the wrong Basesize... the Pult is on 30mm Bases as written in the Book... :(

But it looks very cool...

It was asked in the rules forum and Sketch said it was meant to be 50mm:


Edit: ninjaedninajed :(

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  • 2 months later...
Oh, and for the record, this pigapult model got my 11 year old daughter interested enough to play...Sweeet!
Lol! :)

I have played 2 games with Som'er so far. This is yet to come out of the model box, but I will try it out next time. I have lots of Piglets and Stuffed Piglets to hurl :)

I think a decent list will only need a couple of Stuffed Piglets to start with to keep the Pigapult going Turns 1 & 2. By Turn 3 Som'er should have done Git Yer Bro and turned a wounded Gremlin into a Piglet with his Cb trigger, and then the Taxidermist can start turning Piglets into Stuffed Piglets.

Move a Mosquito up to wreck the opponent's control hand and then activate the Pigapult, hoping for lots of lovely blast damage :)

Add Pere Ravage for more options, and Bayou Gremlins, and they should be good to go. Maybe a Slop Hauler if facing high Df targets.

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