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I've only just registered for the site today, and this seemed as good a place to post as any...

I've been into wargames for about 18 years or so, starting off with Games Workshop's offerings and eventually moving on to Warmachine/Hordes, and now recently Malifaux.

I haven't had a game of it yet, but my pals have some stuff too so with any luck we'll get some games in soon! So far i'm liking the rules and it certainly has a lot of character.

It's sad to say, but i've really gone off GW's games of late. Compared to Warmahordes and Malifaux it's like "Line up and keep rolling dice until one side has no men left."

I'm also a purveyor of games on my website www.shaekonnitgames.co.uk, and Malifaux's an area i'd like to get into a lot more.

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Welcome aboard! You'll find Malifaux has one of the most innovative and tightly written rules sets around. Not only that, but the Wyrd crew and henchmen are committed to answering questions that do come up quickly and logically. Like you I've come from a GW background and find Malifaux surprisingly refreshing.

Played a 40K game this week and it was like going from a sports car to a horse and buggy. :D

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I'm based in East Kilbride, just outside Glasgow.

I know of a couple of people that play, and as I make my presence felt at the local games club, hopefully i'll entice some more folk into giving Malifaux a try. Right now all they play are GW games, and last week i introduced them to warmachine which they all all very interested in now.

I'll ease Malifaux in soon, as soon as I get enough stuff painted up to run some intro games.

Problem is, running intros for people who are only used to Warhammer/40k can be an intense process - as I said earlier, they're too used to just lining up and shooting.

Adding this like Focus allocation, Fury leeching, a Draw Phase etc and getting them used to it will be a pain.

Ultimately, I'd prefer to play a game with people who know what they're doing and give a running commentary so beginners can watch and learn.

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Well, thanks for the big welcome!

As for what factions i'm into, so far I like most of them! One I'm definately trying is the Cult of December - their play style seems pretty similar to what i'm used to with Cryx for warmachine, what with all the ice-constructs behaving like arc nodes.

Aside from them i think I'll also try the Gremlins, though Lilith's brood also sound pretty cool - I like the mad stuff they can bring to bear.

With the Gremlins it's more the fun factor, plus painting them should be a good laugh.

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